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About Alpha117

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Alpha117

    MOD Folders

    Hmmm..maybe not so good. Looks like not all MODS work outside the main ARMA2 folder. Now its trying to work out which ones they are or what combinations don't work. Strange They all worked together before I moved them ---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 PM ---------- Nope...couldn't work out which one(s) were causing the problem...so put them all back in the mainarma2 folder and .....they all work OK again....well it was worth a try. Maybe moving one at a time then trying it....might try at the weekend...let you know
  2. Guys, This is probably a very numbty question, but how do you get this to work:eek:
  3. Alpha117

    MOD Folders

    Its great. I'm using the Arma 2 launcher by alphinestar: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=81060 My MODS are now on another drive. Great result
  4. Thanks, will try the one waypoint at destination...Hmm will they stay on the road I wonder!!
  5. Alpha117

    MOD Folders

    great stuff..C drives getting to full :eek:
  6. OK, I place a vehicle then add move waypoints, but they seem to stop before moving to the next waypoint :confused: How do you get them to move smoothly from waypoint to waypoint?? Thanks
  7. Alpha117

    MOD Folders

    Hi All JUst wondering if all the @mods folders can be stored on another drive and still be accessed :confused: Cheers
  8. Firstly, I use this all the time. I now have got lots of Addons and was wondering if it is possible to have the MODS on a different drive from ARMA 2:confused: and still use the launcher Regards
  9. Hi All It's pitch black using NVG in a forest and you still get these messages..:confused: Is there anyway of making these messages more 'real' or supressing them all together :( Regards
  10. Alpha117

    Tactical view

    yea got it its the del key on the numpad
  11. Alpha117

    Tactical view

    haha....tactical=command view..got it
  12. Alpha117

    Tactical view

    Ok understand that...but which key switches to tactical view?
  13. Alpha117

    Tactical view

    Hi All It says that the 'numpad' switches between normal view and tacticalview on page 43 of manual. Hmm...where is the numpad key :confused:
  14. Alpha117

    squad control and movement

    many thanks....writing these down for easy access until remembered
  15. Alpha117

    squad control and movement

    page 41 -42 of manual sums it up :eek: