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About selder

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  1. I picked up the prisoner but I don't know where the main CDF base is. I did find a camp somewhere around novy in the woods and brought him there but nothing happened. I am playing NAPA side if that makes any difference. could someone give me any ideas?
  2. Thanks Rok that did the trick...now I can play, funny after trying all the settings options and messing with my video card but it all came down to adding -winxp to fix it!
  3. I don't understand how to add the -winxp command. when I right click and get properties, shortcut, Target line is- "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" where do I add -winxp I keep getting an error message saying problem with shortcut, the name specified in the target box is not valid. Make sure the path and file name are correct. please help