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About !woody!

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  1. !woody!

    Game stops at reciving data

    Ok ive narrowed the problem down to the domination missions only
  2. !woody!

    Game stops at reciving data

    they are :) any other ideas?
  3. !woody!

    Game stops at reciving data

    Thanks for the reply unfortunatly i've tried that and it hasent worked. Do you guys have any other suggestions?
  4. Hey Guys i need to help here. randomly (more oftern than not)When i join a server i select my role download the mission the mission loads and it recives data but once the bar get to the end nothing. my keyboard respondeds my mouse moves. i can press esc and get back to the main menu. i then join the server again and the same thing happens. i download the mission AGAIN. load the data, recived the data and then it hangs again. (P.S. i reinstalled my entire pc and the problem left for about a week. i did not install anything new and now its baclk again) E6600C2D 4GB DDR2 OCZ DFI BloodIron ATI 4870 Windows 7 x64 Any help at all would be appreciated im about the throw this game out the window.