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About waimser

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  1. waimser

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Forcing the mod line has done something for our server. It stopped server crashes related to the mod line when no other way was known to work. I believe the server admin is quite new to all of this as well and still learning. Now although I dont like the fact that you just essentially badmouthed my clan tcp. I still think your a genius for thinking a little outside, or inside the box. I may have solved my problem by using the allowed mod folder in the ram drive, adding the pbo files to it and junctioning to it. I have to go out for dinner now but will test fully when I return.
  2. waimser

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Thanks octane, this info may be of help to me
  3. waimser

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    I can get it to work great using the mod line. -mod=F:\@ram;R\@ram R being ramdrive and F being the usb drive. So I dont actually need to use junction at all for that. On Pub servers this is fine. The problem arises on our clan server where only certain mod lines are allowed. I have requested this mod line be allowed but as not the entire clan has "SEEN THE LIGHT":notworthy: of ramdrive am not sure it will go through. And I cant just start telling our clan leader to start using a different verification method for our server. Although "kju" if you are able to tell me a bit more about verify signatures it might be something im able to suggest, though im fairly sure that avenue would already have been explored. I was hoping to find a way around this without changing OS from XP. I know, or at least think I could make it work with junction if I had enough ram to hold the entire addons folder as I could just replace the existing folder with the junctioned addons folder. Keep the suggestions coming guys. Ive been trying every thing and learning a heap along the way.:) lt Darkman.. ramdrive deffinately works for me without moving anything from the original addons folder
  4. waimser

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Is it possible to use junction to make a 1.8g ramdrive work. If I had enough ram i think i could junction the whole addons folder and delete the original but I dont know how to make it work with anything smaller. With the junction named "junction to addons" the game wont read it. But I cant rename it to "addons" because that makes 2 folders of the same name.
  5. waimser

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Unfortunately we cannot turn this off. Partly due to crashing issues with ppl running different mods, we are using yoma also. But also to keep everyone inline for TvT matches. Clan is fairly strict on anything that gives unfair advantage. Of course I could just change OS but its taken me 3 years to get my head around xp. I dont want to change if I can avoid it.
  6. waimser

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Hi there just joined. Thanks for this post has helped me heaps. Im running 1.5 gig ramdrive and about 2 gig of the pbo files running from the memory card on my phone. Thas is a vast improvement for me. Was even an improvement without the ramdrive and with 4 gig of pbo on my phone. so a good flashdrive should work ok :) The problem is the modline I use messes with our clans server so I cant use it, and im on xp so cant use the hardlink. Someone suggested I try SUBST. Does anyone know anything about this and can you help me at all. Thanks for helping me out so much already guys.