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Everything posted by hurzwa

  1. Hi everyone, I bought ArmA2 via Steam. I have lots of sound bugs. Sounds come out of my speaker way too loud and distorted. But not all the time. During the first training mission it happens when driving the humvee. It also happens when starting the campaign and the intro starts. The game is not playable with these sund issues. I have Realtek on board sound. I uodated sound and display drivers. I also installed latest directx9. I´m running WinXP. regards, Hur Zwa
  2. hurzwa

    Annoying sound issues

    So when the engine only supports software sound then I shouldn´t have any problems whether I have onboard sound or a sound card, right? And changing the hardware acceleration slider would be useless. And why would this slider exist when my onboard sound only can do software emulation? BTW, when I install my Creative Labs Audigy 2 ZS I have the SAME problem. First I could fix the sound issue by removing the Audigy sound card and play via onboard sound. But soon the problem came back.
  3. hurzwa

    Annoying sound issues

    Of course an onboard sound chip is able to do hardware acceleration and EAX! Beta doesn´t fix the problem
  4. hurzwa

    Annoying sound issues

    I have still lots of sound stuttering. It´s strange. When I set Video Memory to low instead of normal the sound stuttering is no more. My graphic card (GeForce 8800 GTS) should handle the normal setting.
  5. hurzwa

    Interface discussion

    As already mentioned in the other part of the forum: Please bring back the clock when team members report contacts (like on OFP)! It will make orientation much better than now.
  6. The message is "enemy man, far, to our front". It´s silly to report sightings regarding the own personal direction. I don´t know which direction my people are facing when they are running around. And I cannot tell my people to report sightings on my direction. I don´t want to offense anyone but I only want this tiny little HUD mod not to discuss the reason why for days.
  7. No, that´s definitly not true! While I´m playing with the radar on everybody else still can play with radar off. If I force the death metal band to play pop music eveybody has to hear it. :D That´s the advantage of this computer game. Everybody can play it the way he wants. And the aspect of realism is good but when my team members report enemies in totally wrong directions this is extremly unrealistic! So I only want to compensate this. Kind regards, Hur Zwa
  8. I would like to have despite that. Kind regards, Hur Zwa
  9. Is there no one who can do this little mod? Check this picture: http://www.picfront.org/d/DagFH2KrJ1/0001.jpg I mean the green box in the upper middle with the red dot inside. Would be great to have this also when I´m on foot. Kind regards, Hur Zwa
  10. Hi there, I wonder if any modder could do me/us a favour and create a tiny little mod. I´m always annoyed by the stupid enemy sightings my team members report. E.g. "enemy in front of us" and when I check the map he is right to us and so on. So is it possible to enable the radar block which you have in a tank in the upper middle position of the screen also when you are on foot? That would help a lot to spot sighted enemies. Kind regards, Hur Zwa
  11. hurzwa

    Annoying sound issues

    Hi, it´s the steam version. So it should be always updated. And yes, it´s version 1.04. See the attached image. On another forum I read about enabling/disabling EAX and sound hardware acceleration in the profile file. I opened it with a text editor but there is no line regarding EAX or hardware acceleration. Maybe someone can post these lines here? regards, EDIT: Okay, I tried it with the following lines in every possible variation without any success. soundEnableEAX=1; soundEnableHW=1;