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Everything posted by szln6z

  1. szln6z

    White screen while running

    Yup, same problem here. Just started today. Only happens after running for several seconds. It's seems to be related to fatigue level from running, because if I haven't run in a long time, it takes a while to go white; then if I start running again, it goes white pretty quickly (because I'm still fatigued from 1st run).
  2. szln6z

    Saving and Loading

    I really love ArmA2; it's truly a simulator. Tremendous depth. But... I have never been so frustrated with this software's load/save feature. The Razor Two mission is already tough enough to figure out, I don't need the forced end-of-mission-without-the-ability-to-revert "feature". I'm sitting there on the road waiting for Bardak's car, which never seems to show. I've just spent 10 hours (yes 10) trying to figure out the Razor Two mission (I finally used a mission walk thru). I've got all three pieces of paper evidence, and just need to nab Bardak to get the 4th. And then, Bardak's car never shows, probably some stupid software glitch. So, the mission ends, with absolutely no way for me to return to one of my saves. I'm left with two choices: 1.) let the campaign continue with Bardak not yet caught; 2.) Or do the entire freakin' Razor Two mission over again. Why does this game not allow reverting to a save after the mission completes? Very frustrating.