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Everything posted by Monsada

  1. hi Rafalski, area markers that not disapear does because they are not being used by upsmon squads. Make sure almost one squad uses that marker. If you talk about test missions I upload may be I do not use all markers in all test a have uploaded. About red and blue circles and cross are debug markers only, I use them to see where is the nearest known target an red and blue circles are the posibles flanking positions.
  2. Hi oldy41, I don't know about GL4 but I can tell u about UPSMON. UPSMON only uses waypoints for moving squads and direct orders to soldiers from leader to make using of enviroment. Things you must know: -any waypoints put in UPSMON squads will be updated by UPSMON script. so if any script adds waypoints on squad leader they will get in troubles with UPSMON. litle example, "fortify" squads uses "hold" waypoints, if another script creates a waypoint of move squad, may be change actual waypoint of guard.
  3. Hi DampetDK, is easy: In the init of the object you want de actions put next code: this addaction ["Question", "nothing.sqf"]; this addAction ["option1", "response.sqf",[true]]; this addAction ["option2", "response.sqf",[false]]; this addAction ["option3", "response.sqf",[false]]; this addAction ["option4", response.sqf",[false]]; now came on with response.sqf a //response.sqf private ["_obj","_caller","_id","_response"]; _obj = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; //Parameters _response = (_this select 3) select 0; // remove the action once it is activated _obj removeAction _id; //Now set defuse defuse = _response; /*public variable to all clients. this is very important if you want that all clients knows about the action being done. if not doing only player who does de action will be informed about result.*/ publicvariable "defuse"; hintsilent format ["defuse=%1",defuse];
  4. you must use call and gestuff must return a variable for cheking continue or not: the best in converting genstuff in a function like this // TestExecute.sqf; //Inside TestExecute.sqf creates a genstuff function genstuff = { private["_exit"]; _exit=true; //put code of genstuff.sqf here //Now evaluate if must continue or not _exit = true; //Returns _continue must be the last command _exit; }; //main of TestExecute.sqf private["my_condition_to_exit_var"]; my_condition_to_exit_var = false; my_condition_to_exit_var = call genstuff; if (my_condition_to_exit_var) exitwith{}; if what you want is to kill genstuf process u need to do something diferent: // TestExecute.sqf; //Only need if used with spawn genstuff = preprocessFileLineNumbers "genstuff.sqf"; //main of TestExecute.sqf private["my_condition_to_exit_var, _handle"]; //Initialice _handle to null _handle = 0 spawn {}; my_condition_to_exit_var = false; _handle = execvm "genstuff.sqf"; // or with spawn //_handle = spawn genstuff; //code of your program my_condition_to_exit_var = true; if (my_condition_to_exit_var && !scriptDone _handle) then{ Terminate _handle; };
  5. You answered me, I have sent a mail to sickboy to explain me if is posible to get a space for UPSMON project. Thanks for the info mr.g-c
  6. Hi mr.g-c I uknown about dev-heaven.net, who can explain me how to make a project there? sickboy? what means developing in dev-heaven?
  7. better explain is imposible ---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 PM ---------- soon my friend, I espect will be released soon. ;)
  8. Hi Madmike, nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement", "delete:",600] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf and UPSMON = compile preprocessFile "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement", "delete:",600] spawn Upsmon; Are exactly the same. Last one was a test I did for check calling upsmon in a new thread as spawn does, but in the experiment I did not notice any diference, so u can exec UPSMON as always does :o
  9. thanks Ramadi, Now I'm working in a system for surrender AI, all squads in UPSMON forms an army, so when debilited so much they will surrender, throwing weapons and raising arms. For knowing when AI has been surrended there will be these variables KRON_UPS_EAST_SURRENDED KRON_UPS_WEST_SURRENDED KRON_UPS_GUER_SURRENDED these will be informed to true when army of that side has been surrended and you will chek it for ending your mission. in this new version I will add variable KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist = 800 for avoiding that problem in big areas.
  10. Hi Ramadi, Sorry, but I don't understand very well your question, you want paratroopers not to get out of hely? or not to get in hely? AI will use vehicles if they are far from next objective, which squad are get in the Hely? I supose that does the patroling squad, maybe the patrol area is so big, if distance to move is more than 600 m they will search for a vehicle. you may lock the hely in the editor or reduce the dimensions of mark, aswell u can increase KRON_UPS_safedist or KRON_UPS_CLOUSENOUGH or both in init_upsmon.sqf, the sum of these (600) is the distance considered close, if distance to objective is greater than that then AI looks for vehicles. maybe I would have to add a global variable for controling that. KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist = 800. So u can put here the parameter that fits your mission.
  11. Minimalaco would like to know if was posible to make "NOMOVE"squads to aproach buildings that haven't positions inside. I answered him that is not posible, I need positions in buildings to aproach and not aply either because AI does that automatically when enemy is known.
  12. Hola Mini, eso lo hace automáticamente la IA normal cuando detecta al enemigo, respecto lo de que se ubiquen pegados a las casas q no son habitables,no puedo indicarles que se aproximen ya que no tienen posiciones.
  13. Hi bardosy, this seems you are not executing init_upsmon in init.sqf as I explain in main post. try to put this in init.sqf and only in init.sqf //Init UPSMON scritp call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; if it not solves the problem send me your mision by email to check it. chs.monsada@gmail.com
  14. this is exactly as does in UPS, in runtime, when mission begins, creates a number of clones that you defined in the group in witch you put this parameter in.
  15. in init_upsmon.sqf there is a variable KRON_UPS_Debug //Enable messages and position marks. KRON_UPS_Debug = 1; //Disable messages and position marks KRON_UPS_Debug = 0;
  16. Yes, functionality is the same, the only that does is not loging messages and not puting marks of squads positions. The only error I have seen in arma log is: Error O 1-1-F:4: Invalid path - length 1 this Is produced sometimes when patroling some buildings, I think is a problem with the definition of the positions of that builiding object.
  17. For disabling messages only turn it of: KRON_UPS_Debug = 0; smoke grenades canot be turned of ---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ---------- Hi Bardosi, 1. AI comunicates presence of enemy. If you have enabled debug KRON_UPS_Debug = 1; the leader group will put message "enemy detected" if in a range of 1.5km of enemy. 4. grenades only throws in random situations when supresed by fire. Please, don't beg for translation to english.
  18. "NOSLOW" parameter only determines initial behaviour and speed. if SLOW, or not defined then puts on initialiation of squad Limited speed and behaviour safe. Not used anymore.
  19. I don't understand you, can you explain a litle more please?
  20. fortify is in the same level of "move" and "nome", this means that u can put: "move" or "nomove" or "fortify". they are exclusive, if u put fortify the rol is more extreme than "nomove" "move" :squad moves constantly, if no enemy they patrol inside the "mark", if known enemy they flank and engage. "nomove": squad moves little, if no enemy the stay at starting position, if known enemy the will tend to mantain but probability of engage increases when enemy aproaches "fortify": squad do not move, it has a little probability to move and engage enemy of 1%, they will take defence positions in buildings near. thinking about may be would be better to adjust the rates of "nomove" to: more than 1500m 1% of moving (not senses because of limitation of KRON_ups_sharedist to 1500m). less than 1500m -5% of moving less than 600 m - 25% of moving less than 300 m - 50% of moving
  21. Yes, if u want a squad do not move then try "fortify" instead of "nomove" they will do what u want ;) "nomove" is a rol that usually makes AI not to move but it does in some cases when enemy is near: less than 1500m -10% of moving less than 600 m - 40% of moving less than 300 m - 70% of moving "Fortify" always 1% of moving less when reinforcement called and squad has "reinforcement" too, Then he looses the state of fortify.
  22. in UPSMON this fixes not aply because I changed all and that bug I corrected long time ago.
  23. Hi Pioneer I like u like it, it means my work is well done. About patrols canot be changed, sorry, but u could define diferent patrol squads but each one in his zone.
  24. New version released: 5.0.2 Changes in version: //Download From CHS: http://www.simulacion-esp.com/v3/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=1448 Megaupload: UPSMON.RAR Video: