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Everything posted by Monsada

  1. Have you test it without vanilla? cdt still happen? if so submit the mission, and explain how to reproduce it.
  2. How to do AI paradrop on ACE? I ask it because I noticed that if done by standard metod: _x action ["EJECT", _heli] ; AI ejects heli, well, but when AI arrive to land the parachute don't deploy, during a while keeps an animation of deployment of parachute in a loop,then after some repetitive animations parachute desapear. Is it a bug or I need to do something?
  3. many thanks Sickboy, yes I was trying to see it in ace_sys_eject.pbo but I was lost, many thanks again ---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ---------- I have done some wrong because parachutes are standard not ace parachutes. I created folders: x\ace\addons\sys_eject inside ARMA2 folder and extracted ace_sys_eject.pbo another folder created ace_sys_eject,but with or without that folder result is the same. I deleted ace_sys_eject.pbo from ace/addons and the bising aswell I run arma without -noFilePatching What Im doing grong?
  4. any body hows how can i test a change in a pbo file without exiting all time from arma?
  5. Yes I have done it aswell, but the problem is not in ejecting is when arriving to earth. Parachute animation is repeated constantly
  6. I would like to know it aswell
  7. "One other issue i noticed. I spawned EAST guys and they immidiately surrender. I think this has to do with no EAST guys on the map when i spawned them." Yes you are right is a bug, I have working on respawn parameter and find it too. I have released a beta that implements a RESPAWN parameter so AI squad when all dies will respawn on the same conditions where created. I solved spawned bug too. I added behavieur control on landing hely when near targetpos, only will land if are in safe or careless mode so if you want not to land change behavieur before executing UPSMON. If you feel one better solution tell me. is set but is not correct, I put _x when I must put _side or side _npc, it is solved in beta 5.0.6 You will find it here. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/files
  8. Hi spirit, Im interested on in would you like to submit your mission when is finished? Put it here please: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/boards/86 2 - try to increase KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist to 800 or 1000 and tell me please
  9. When not in combat they land near target position of patrol. They must continue patrolling but almost sure they will do by food unless patrol area is too big, in this case AI will getin and when reaches new position land ... if this is your problem you can do: 1 - do patrol area more little. 2 - increse KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist acording to the size patrol areas 3 - If you want heli always flying and not to getout can put "nowp" and do the patrol by yourself by waypoints. mmm case 3 is a real situation, for controlling it i could add initial behaviour as parameter, in safe mode has no sense AI are wasting fuel flying, but in aware or in combat yes, if you could tell AI his initial behaviour it could be controlled if SAFE or CARELESS land of course, if not continue in hely, not landing.
  10. This is done in order to not having helis flying all time, but you are right may be they would not land.
  11. For avoiding that you can: 1-Put rol NOMOVE on this squads 2-Increase KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist, this value tells AI the range in wich they will go by fod, if target is far away they will search for transport, 3-Decrease KRON_UPS_sharedist, this is distance is the range of walkies so AI share known targets if they are in this range. You can convine 2 and 3 and personalice it to your mision, so if you put KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist=1000 and KRON_UPS_sharedist = 1000 they will not take any vehicle. Another posibility is lock the vehicle on init and unlock when you need it by trigger. ---------- Post added at 09:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 PM ---------- made a feature en devhaven for this. I m not sure of doing this if people want I will try to do this Yes this is done because of ambush they must mantain fire for a while for better ambush, has no sense to move instantly
  12. sorry, I will work now in wiki for upsmon, I try to do it in the best english I could. KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west]; is an array of enemies for resistance side, only afects to the targets array UPSMON share to them, this seting must be same as you define in your mision. so you can do this combinations: frienly none: KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west,east]; frienly east: KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west]; frienly west: KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [east]; frienly all: KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [];
  13. spawned is required only when used createvehicle command for creating units in runtime, if you put the unit in the editor do not need "spawned" parameter.
  14. yes, all squads created by script must have parameter "spawned" in order to be added correctly to counter of units of his side, without this the sid may surrender because no has counted this units
  15. Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=163VC8GJ
  16. In 5.0.4 status of reinforcement can be reset. I have detected a bug with initialitation, this will be solved this morning, but no CTD happend.
  17. You only needed to add "spawned" to the parameters of UPSMON squad created, plese send me your mision to chs.monsada@gmail.com I will revise it and find the problem or bug. This is fixed in last release. ---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 AM ---------- what is CDT?
  18. UPSMON 5.0.4 Changes in version: Sample mision of Ambush in 5.0.4 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9EU613SB
  19. Beta of 5.0.4 for testing released http://dev-heaven.net/news/346 Any bugs report here please: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/issues
  20. In proper version 5.0.4 I have solved the maner of using UPSMON with dinamic squads creation such as createall script. For doing it only you will need is to add "spawned" parameter to this dinamic created squads.
  21. Thanks for help, I will revise it. In new version targeting is calculated in server script not in squads script, may be it solve the problem of no enemies. Revise project http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/issues
  22. I will work on it. See news in next version
  23. sure problem is building position, there is a lot of buildings with bugs in buildings positions. if you see log, arma.rpt you will can see error positions, this is because a teorically building position is not accesible.
  24. I don't understand why don't want to be controlled by UPSMON at all. Wait, could be useful if you need to put waypoints, "observer" unit will do not create waypoints, all other functionalities will be used. This will be very useful for enemy detection. I will put another parameter "spawned" so if a group is created in runtime this squad will be added to army, this is necessary for good doing of surrender, because if not doing this units will not be contabilized.