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Everything posted by Monsada

  1. Thanks Deadfast!! it runs ok. Another trouble, now I want to order a group of IA to "MoveToCargo", the problem is that IA disapear and apear in vehicle as cargo. I tried: _x moveinCargo _vehicle; _x action ["getInCargo", _vehicle]; and _x action ["moveToCargo", _vehicle]; but two first moves instantly, and the last, _x action ["moveToCargo", _vehicle]; does nothing. How can i do for the IA moves to vehicle and then gett in it?
  2. Thanks for all, it runs ok ;) Now I had one doubt more, I need to know the capacity of a vehicle. How can I get it? How can I know if a vehicle is full?
  3. Hi all, I am worried with a problem, I am doing an script for IA and want the group exit vehicle when near objective. I trid this: { If (x!= gunner _vehicle && x!= driver _vehicle) then { _x leaveVehicle _vehicle; }; } foreach crew _vehicle; the problem is gunner returns a relative name to vehicle _vehicle = A_1_1 gunner _vehicle = A_1_1G driver _vehicle = A_1_1D but crew returns another names: example 1_2_3 1_2_4 1_2_5 how to identify de gunner and driver using crew for avoiding disembark?