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Everything posted by josel

  1. Hi all, I am trying to complete the Dogs of War mission. But when I try to go into the gear menu, buy units, and choose heli mode, it states NO FACTORIES. So how do I build whatever is needed to build a helicopter unit? Thank you josel
  2. josel

    Picking Up Items

    Hi all, I am trying to get my team member to pick up N.V. goggles from a dead allie soldier. But how do you instruct them to do so? Thank you josel
  3. josel

    Picking Up Items

    Thank you very much 11aTony. Will look at coordinats now :)
  4. I am trying to find the CDK and Russian bases to destroy. Does anyone know were they are? Thank you josel:bounce3:
  5. josel

    Oh yes, Dogs of War

    Hi, Tried all grids N/E of the base, but could find nothing, spent 2hrs searching. Is it in woods, open land, village, hill etc? Or do I have to take over all the towns first that are in my tasks? Thank you once again josel :mad:
  6. josel

    Oh yes, Dogs of War

    Hi thanks all for the above. I have been exploring the map and tried to enter the Airfield, where I am greeted with an enemy heli, wipes me out within seconds. So I tried again and lasted for about a minute. The problem I found that the AI did not pick up enemy units, i.e. enemy tank 200 metres North East, Enemy soldier 100 metres south etc. So I checked my map, and no enemy units were shwon, even though I could see a load of armour, troops and heli's on the Airfield. So is this a common bug? Or is it simply not part of the game plan to enter the Airfield? Thank you josel
  7. Hi all I am currently playing the Devils of War mission and have purchased 4 x T-7 tanks. In each tank their are 3 crew members. So as I look on my screen I have 13 men in total to order about. But here are my questions - 1) How do you show 3 crew members as 1 unit? (So you just see a one block instead of 3 individuals) 2) How do I command crew member 13, my keyboard only goes upto number 12? 3) What is the best way to attack the airfield, as I keep on getting wiped out? Thank you josel:j:
  8. josel


    Hi all, I want to give a order to my team "ready for engagement" or something similar. I cannot find it at all. My team will always walk into a firefight stood tall and the weapons low. Thank you josel :mad:
  9. josel

    Evidence 1 & 2

    Hi all But I cannot find the 2nd one. Any help will be welcome Thank you josel :mad:
  10. Hi all I am trying to find evidence 1 & 2 on the Manhatton mission. But I cannot find the 2nd one. Any help will be welcome Thank you josel :mad: