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Everything posted by Cyrax

  1. It is literally 3d-ripped outta the game. [MG]http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/6640/37138744.jpg[/img]>100kb Im not saying that it is bad to port stuff from other games, it just sucks when people don't give proper credits, or even claim that they made it themselves.
  2. Troll? No. -.- What I am saying is that the vest on the picture above is ripped from Call of Duty 4.
  3. Well... Vest is ported from CoD4 SAS operators.
  4. Different retextures I've been making for a RPG-mod, which, sadly, died... This forum has 5 images per post limit, so many other retextures can be seen at: http://thenewlife-rpg.com/index.php?topic=1002.0 , under the "spoiler" button I dont really plan on releasing them, but, if you think you could use any of these, please send me a pm, I would love to share them.
  5. Ice, I don't know if you did that on purpose or not, but the smoke grenades are painted black as well?
  6. Looks great, BUT: If the RPK guy is wearing flecktarn camo, then it is a little oversized, IMO
  7. Cyrax

    CDF & Indep Grey Scales

    needed to say, you will not be able to open Arma2s official p3d files, as they are encrypted.
  8. guys, i cannot understand, how are you getting the character models from arma2 in o2/bulldozer, while only russian soldier sample model was released?