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Posts posted by wing70

  1. thanx alot, i'm caming creazy around this for a day:

    private ["_placecounter", "_pos", "_trg"];

    _placecounter = _this select 0;

    //made trigger to count objects type sign_danger on marker placecounter position

    _pos = [(getmarkerpos _placecounter select 0), (getmarkerpos _placecounter select 1), 0];

    _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];

    _trg setTriggerArea[5000,5000,0,false];

    _trg setTriggerActivation["ANY","PRESENT",true];

    _trg setTriggerStatements["this", "", ""];

    _tlist = list _trg ;

    // select the sign danger list ,make indistructible the signals,create an invisible heli landing place

    // and attach the signals to avoid movement if mine explode,create the mines

    if (typeof _x == "sign_danger") then


    _x allowdamage false;

    vhe = createVehicle ["helihempty", getpos _x, [], 0, "none"];

    _x attachto [vhe,[-3,-3,0]];

    } foreach list _tlist ;

    createvehicle ["mine", getpos vhe, [], 0, "none"];

    only to put mines under danger signals (is a training map for tank crew)

    if i put this:

    {if (typeof _x == "sign_danger") then {_x allowdamage false; vhe = createVehicle ["helih", getpos _x, [], 0, "none"]; _x attachto [vhe,[-3,-3,1.9]];}} foreach thislist ; createvehicle ["mine", getpos vhe,[-3,-3,1.9] "none"];

    in a trigger it works, but i was looking around using cript to create a loop in order to respawn mines for the incaming tank, after one explode...i think i'll use your script tx, and apologize me for my "strange language :))

  2. i have the same problem..arma2.exe still running on task manager but nothink happen on the monitor....win desktop only

    this problem start on the last week ,the wek before the game run correctly..i'm trying everything..reinstall...-winxp....etc

    but at the moment no solutions found..it's a pity

    vista ult 64

    i7 920

    6 gb 1600 ddr3

    gtx 260

    asus p6t deluxe

