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Everything posted by LenaKatina

  1. hello! When I start the game, I can play for about 1 minute, then something weird happens: some random texture is being laid over the whole screen, and through it I can still see the game, although with totally f*ked up colors. (see screenshots) This happens every time. I just cant play this game at all. Game is freshly installed from CD, including 1.04 patch. After it didn't work, I also installed the latest DirectX (9.27) and the newest nvidia drivers (191.07). My system is like this: Windows XP SP2 Core2 Duo E8500 @3,16GHz Geforce 285 GTX 1GB (evga ssc) 4 GB Ram ASUS P5Q here is my DXdiag file
  2. I'll try to do these things when I find the programs. thanks for the heads up.
  3. My pc and gfx card are state of the art. among the fastest you could wish. Blaiming my video card (evga nvidia gtx 285 ssc) seems wrong. The 50 other games i have installed dont have any problems with my card.
  4. I just got the same gfx bug again. so NONE of the memory settings works. the only way around was alt-tab switching the game, then it worked again. unfortunately I cant play this game until BI release a patch that fixes this crap. I dont want to waste an entire week fretting over this stuff. Game may be good if you're lucky that it works, but I rather play Operation Flashpoint 1 again, that works at least. The state of this game is a scandal , even after patch 1.04!
  5. I set the video memory to HIGH. seems to work now. pretty weird, since all other options didnt. also, I think you may get rid of the effect, when you go into "video options" and then back to the game, or try an alt-tab swicht out of the game and back. Still, it's a shame that I have to experiment so much in order to get a game playable.
  6. Is there a solution how I can turn off the screen-shake effect while running? (or at least reduce it by 80%!) I cant see sh*t when running. This is not like reality at all, because your head/eyes/brain are able to focus on fixed points while running, thus you get a stable picture anyway! it's enough to make the weapon less accurate, you dont need to shake the screen around like my head was attached to a spring. this stupid shake effect makes me sick!!!
  7. LenaKatina

    shaking screen while running...

    thank you! will check it out later :)
  8. Привет! that seemed to work... for like 10 minutes. then I got the same bug again while viewing the compass. (deleted the cfg file, and set video memory to default.) bad luck I guess.