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Cpt Hansen

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Everything posted by Cpt Hansen

  1. I have this problem, when i start mission i cant build anything and i cant buy any units, no units or weapon even apears on the buymenu screen, and it seems to lag a little, i only have this problem in dogs of war, PLEASE HELP
  2. Listen you are not supposed to go to the evac zone you will just get FUBAR, and you either needs to go with napa in novy sobor or go to the CDF camp 5 clicks away, but they will pick you up at around 2 km away from the camp. They way to do this mission the easiest way. When simmons die and you see napa people, let them help you and dont call in chopper, they take you to a car, they will drive you near Novy sobor (Or stary sobor i dont remmember) you getout decide to go to the napa in Novy sobor or head to the CDF camp, choose CDF camp, stay away from roads and cities, try only to walk in the forrest. Thats your best shot to accomplish
  3. The reason why there isent a load option is because they made a revert option, revert however doesent mean restart but it can take you back to earlier savings in the game or even restart.
  4. I'm with the CDF and i have killed the priest named prizak or something. I've just recieved my orders from the officer and i have taken command (dosent help if i doesent take command) when i press buy units or buy weapons nothing happens. I wait 20 sec and then the buy menu apears, but it is empty, and if i change filter i keeps saying receiving. When i press construction, i cant build anything and the build menu is VERY slow. The bug/error only apears in the mission Dogs of War. Please help me. Cpt. Hansen