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About marc420

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Im not sure if it is a problem on my end or if its on domination's end, and if its been asked 100 times already my bad, but i notice there is no ghillie suit for snipers no matter what squad they join? it used to be all but bravo squad had the suit, did xeno just not get around to editing the correct sniper role? or is it something i havent unlocked in single player/training? if its domination side, could we get a fix if possible, i love the suit and without it i feel naked :(
  2. thats hardly a fix, and seeing as my clan is already keeping a couple of servers updated daily there is a few servers which are not being updated, i understand why the message comes up, i do not understand why it wont go away after 1 maybe 2 popups @ best if anything, give us an option to revert back to a previous client version would make sense.
  3. any chance of a way to turn of the veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy annoying version popup that shows up every 5 seconds, i mean just have it pop up once please, its really annoying
  4. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    sorry to be a pain in the ass but i dont code at all but i enjoy tweaking stuff non the less anyways the following i changed #ifdef __TT__ // chopper varname, type (0 = lift chopper, 1 = wreck lift chopper, 2 = normal chopper), marker name d_choppers_west = [["HR1",0,"chopper1"], ["HR2",0,"chopper2"], ["HR3",0,"chopper3"], ["HR4",0,"chopper4"], ["HR5",2,"chopper5"], ["HR6",2,"chopper6"], ["HR7",1,"chopper7"], ["HR8",1,"chopper8"]]; d_choppers_east = [["HRR1",0,"chopperR1"], ["HRR2",0,"chopperR2"], ["HRR3",0,"chopperR3"], ["HRR4",1,"chopperR4"]]; #else // chopper varname, type (0 = lift chopper, 1 = wreck lift chopper, 2 = normal chopper), marker name d_choppers = [["HR1",0,"chopper1"], ["HR2",0,"chopper2"], ["HR3",0,"chopper3"], ["HR4",0,"chopper4"], ["HR5",2,"chopper5"], ["HR6",2,"chopper6"], ["HR7",1,"chopper7"], ["HR8",1,"chopper8"]]; #endif basically i have hr5 and hr6 as cobras i added, and im fine if they dont respawn, hr7 and hr8 are ment to be wreck lift choppers, but they act like the lift choppers. what would i need to change to make hr7+hr8 become wreck lift and not lift choppers then they could be used to lift a wrecked cobra if one go's down and add an actual use to wreck lift choppers and stop randoms just always jumping in a respawned cobra, if that makes any sense :S p.s. as you can see above i did assign the number 1 to both hr7 and hr8, im sure there is more to edit though :P
  5. if anyone downloaded the (RH_M4M16_v1.0_Rearmed pack) this is for: MK12 SD and MK12 MOD1 SD "MK12 SD", "B_556x45_Ball", 300, -0.0166667, 350, 0, 400, 0.0166667, 450, 0.0375, 500, 0.0833334, 550, 0.0708334, 600, 0.133333, 650, 0.15, 700, 0.183333, 750, 0.220833, 800, 0.2375 i didn't go above 800 because even though i could, this is a silenced weapon and at 800 I'm pretty happy ^^ the above info is allot different from the normal MK12 so i presume whoever designed the SD version didn't clone the MK12.
  6. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    got it working now oktane thanks for taking the time. damn you xeno i wanna play eden NOW!
  7. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    changed everything like you said Oktane, target circle is still the default size on the map, if you manage to get it changed let me know please :P
  8. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    thanks again oktane and carl and thanks xeno testing now btw can Carl or anyone else explain how i might go about adding example: someone gets into the MHQ to drive it and when they get into it, it then says in vehicle chat "Don't forget to pick up the ammo box". i asked xeno in pm about this and he did answer but i couldn't make sense out of it, i think its because i am newish to editing arma2 stuff :S anyways any help would be appreciated. ok i edited the target eclipse size like said above target_names = [ [[2733.7,5306.05,0],"Zelenogorsk",3000], // 0 [[6728.4,2590.29,0],"Chernogorsk",3000], // 1 [[10269.5,2110.25,0],"Elektrozavodsk",3000], // 2 [[11146.5,12302.7,0],"Krasnostav",3000], // 3 [[12012.4,9095.97,0],"Berezino",3000], // 4 [[6147.54,7757.34,0],"Stary Sobor",3000], // 5 [[3814.73,8901.37,0],"Vybor",3000], // 6 [[7555.26,5149.45,0],"Mogilevka",3000], // 7 [[10680.4,8054.11,0],"Polana",3000], // 8 [[10412.8,9768.09,0],"Dubrovka",3000], // 9 [[9548.47,8846.42,0],"Gorka",3000], // 10 [[13381.5,6254.74,0],"Solnichniy",3000], // 11 [[10118.6,5521.33,0],"Staroye",3000], // 12 [[1697.54,3847.5,0],"Pavlovo",3000], // 13 [[3075.33,7916.48,0],"Pustoschka",3000], // 14 [[12971.1,10109.1,0],"Berezino Harbour",3000], // 15 [[9178.31,3870.64,0],"Pusta",3000], // 16 [[4741.96,6799.19,0],"Rogovo",3000], // 17 [[4393.77,4606.03,0],"Kozlovka",3000], // 18 [[1828.09,2249.49,0],"Kamenka",3000], // 19 [[8659.28,11840.9,0],"Gvozdno",3000] // 20 ]; done this with the other towns aswell, then went into x_scripts like carl said and changed it to #ifndef __TT__ [_current_target_name, _current_target_pos,"ELLIPSE","ColorRed",[3000,3000]] call XfCreateMarkerLocal; #else [_current_target_name, _current_target_pos,"ELLIPSE","ColorYellow",[3000,3000]] call XfCreateMarkerLocal; #endif now i am no coder so maybe i done it wrong but after uploading the new pbo to my server and going into game i bring up the map and see that the main target red circle is the same size it always was, am i missing something here? when you say its hard coded does that mean you cannot change the visual size of the red circle on the map, if so i have see it done on a random server before which is why i wanted to change it.
  9. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    was wondering if anyone could explain where do i need to go to edit the size of the main target, as in the red circle on the map, i want to make it bigger in radius, and if i do this will it auto create enemy men to adjust for the size of the circle... if that makes sense?
  10. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    thanks alot carl, that helped :)
  11. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    doesnt happen to me and ive played countless hour's it's your server or you have edited something which went wrong.
  12. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    bit long i know and i hope Xeno doesnt mind but i doubt he will because we dont know each other anyways Quote: Originally Posted by marc420 how do i have the 2 mhq's setup to post in vehicle chat when someone gets into it "Dont forget to pick up the ammo crate" Edit x_scripts\x_checkdriver.sqf and add some parts of the TT version (the TT version checks the vehicle so you can easily add it to the normal version). Quote: Originally Posted by marc420 last thing, i have modded revive to my taste in alot of ways from reading forums and such, and my question is do i have to do all the tweaking over again if i want my same modded Dom in Domination AI for example? or can i just edit some line in one of the files to change the Revive to AI? I haven't tested it yet if revive works with the AI version, just try. Though... I'm not using norrins A2 revive but the A1 AI disabled revive version that I rewrote for norrin during A1 times. So AI won't help you. Quote: Originally Posted by marc420 *noticed 2 bugs with mine not sure if i done something wrong but basically 1, i play revive on regular mode and i can only see my team mates if there beside me? it doesnt show where they died or where they are on the map unless im right beside them Are you playing hosted ? Domination doesn't work in a hosted environment, only on a dedicated server! Other than that I never encountered the problem you describe. Quote: Originally Posted by marc420 2, i wanted to make a no armor version because my server is new and its easier to play solo or low numbers without armor so i changed the following // first element (array. for example: [2,1]): number of vehicle groups that will get spawned, the first number is the max number that will get spawned, // the second one the minimum. So [2,0] means, there can be no vehicle groups at all or a maximum of 2 groups of this kind // second element: maximum number of vehicles in group; randomly chosen #ifndef __ACE__ d_vehicle_numbers_guard = [ [[0,0], 0], // tanks [[0,0], 0], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 0], // apc2 (brdm) [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[1,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) ]; #else d_vehicle_numbers_guard = [ [[0,0], 0], // tanks [[0,0], 0], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 0], // apc2 (brdm) [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[1,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) ]; #endif #ifndef __ACE__ d_vehicle_numbers_guard_static = [ [[0,0], 0], // tanks [[0,0], 0], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 0] // aa (shilka) ]; #else d_vehicle_numbers_guard_static = [ [[0,0], 0], // tanks [[0,0], 0], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 0] // aa (shilka) ]; #endif #ifndef __ACE__ d_vehicle_numbers_patrol = [ [[0,0], 0], // tanks [[0,0], 0], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 0], // apc2 (brdm) [[2,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[2,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) ]; #else d_vehicle_numbers_patrol = [ [[0,0], 0], // tanks [[0,0], 0], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 0], // apc2 (brdm) [[2,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[2,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) ]; #endif but i still have enemy tanks going around? yes i wanted to leave enemy jeeps but not tanks please help Might be the island patrols and the sidemissions are not affected by changing those settings.
  13. ive changed that, it only made it that all got locked from choppers including pilots **Edit finally fixed it**
  14. marc420

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    deleted, spoke to Xeno in pm, thanks again for help and amazing missions <3
  15. ok so i have looked all over for the info and got nowhere, basically i am running Domination west revive 10 on my server, and i created 6 pilots ontop of the default roles that come with it. my question is this, how can i make it so that only pilots can fly the aircraft? i seen some posts about this but there all very brief, can someone talk me through excatly what i need to do please much appreciated for a response.