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About Blatjang

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  1. Blatjang

    Adding Units/Weapons/Vehicles

    Hallo there again, it's been a couple of days since my last posting... Thanks for that last reply, it helped:D I replaced all of the soldiers with the SADF soldiers and it works, there is just a little problem that came up though, sometimes when the AI units buy some of the soldiers those soldiers spawn with the M16A2 rifle instead of the weapon they are supposed to have... any ideas on that? Could I have made a mistake somewhere? here is a piece of the barracks entry: ;WEST _v = ["WSOLDIER"] _u = ["BWC_SADF_Rifleman"] _d = ["BWC Rifleman"] _c = [80] _t = [5] _p = [5] _i = ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] _v = _v + ["WATSOLDIER"] _u = _u + ["BWC_SADF_AT"] _d = _d + ["BWC AT Soldier"] _c = _c + [180] _t = _t + [7] _p = _p + [7] _i = _i + ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] _v = _v + ["WAASOLDIER"] _u = _u + ["BWC_SADF_soldier_m82"] _d = _d + ["BWC PARA Trooper"] _c = _c + [150] _t = _t + [7] _p = _p + [7] _i = _i + ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] _v = _v + ["WMGSOLDIER"] _u = _u + ["BWC_SADF_MG"] _d = _d + ["Machine gunner"] _c = _c + [140] _t = _t + [6] _p = _p + [6] _i = _i + ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] As you probably noticed, I only replaced the unit class names and kept everything else the same lol the lazy method But there is another reason for that though. When I create my own references for the units and create my own AI teams the AI won't buy them. I don't know how to fix these problems or I'm just not seeing the error. Here is an entry for the AI teams file: _n = _n + ["Infantry"] _d = _d + ["Btn32 Soldiers"] _u = [W32SOLDIER] _u = _u + [W32ATSOLDIER] _u = _u + [W32MGGSOLDIER] _u = _u + [W32GSOLDIER] WestAITeamTemplates = WestAITeamTemplates + [_u] WESTAIINFANTRYTEAMTYPE = Count WestAITeamTemplates - 1 WestInfantryTeamTypes = WestInfantryTeamTypes + [WESTAIINFANTRYTEAMTYPE] WestDefenseTeamTypes = WestInfantryTeamTypes + [WESTAIINFANTRYTEAMTYPE] _n = _n + ["FS"] _d = _d + ["FS"] _u = [WAASOLDIER] _u = _u + [WAASOLDIER] _u = _u + [WMGSOLDIER] _u = _u + [WMGSOLDIER] _u = _u + [WGSOLDIER] WestAITeamTemplates = WestAITeamTemplates + [_u] WESTAIFSTEAMTYPE = Count WestAITeamTemplates - 1 WestInfantryTeamTypes = WestInfantryTeamTypes + [WESTAIFSTEAMTYPE] ;AI commander preferences for AI teams. Note this should be at least the size of the total amount of playable teams in game. _t = [WESTAIDEFAULTTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIATTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIM113TEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIINFANTRYTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIFSTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIHMMWVTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAISNIPERTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIBLACKOPSTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIDEFAULTTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIATTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIFSTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAISNIPERTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIBLACKOPSTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIM113TEAMTYPE] I dont know how the quoting thing works lol sorry if my style is annoying. Thanks again in advance.
  2. Blatjang

    Adding Units/Weapons/Vehicles

    Hey there thanks again, And yes it works:D There is just a tiny problem with the pilot's "bwc_pilots\data\helipilot_co.paa" line, it says in the game it cannot find that .paa thing? But everything else is working great:D thanks I can even recruit the pilot:) But I still cannot add just a normal rifleman from the SADF_Soldier pbo file. I don't know what the difference is supposed to be... But if you could show me how to add them to the recruiting list, and how to replace the normal starting soldiers that would be awesome, then I can play around it and find a combination that works for me. Just another thing... the sadf_soldiers are listed as Bluefor, can they still be added to the EAST side to fight against the WEST in Warfare? Thanks again for your help and patience, I realy appreciate it:) Nevermind, I think I got the rifleman thing sorted out, I used the ingame mission editor to find out what i must type in to get the soldiers to work. So you don't have to use your free time to help me figure it out Thanks :)
  3. Blatjang

    Adding Units/Weapons/Vehicles

    Hey there, thanks again. Yeah that is the mod, here is the url of the mod's website: http://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/bushwars/index.html (just for some more info if you need any) They started to make the mod for ARMA, but before they could finish it ARMA2 was released, so they decided that they would continue work for ARMA2 only, so they stopped the ARMA work. ARMA2 has not been released yet in south africa, so i'm still waiting on that, and my pc would'nt be able to run it anyway lol But so far I actualy got the weapons to work (a few of the rifles), or I can buy them in the buy menu, and you cannot see the icons in the buy menu but you see it when you press "G" for gear. And I added some of the choppers hehe. (Also cannot see their icons in the buy menu) (And when I buy the weapon I get a message that says something like You cannot play/edit this mission, it relies on downloadable content that has been deleted... but the game still works, you can continue playing):confused: I can't figure out how to add new soldiers though, i tried adding a soldier and it's price appears in the buy menu. If you try to buy it, you lose your money and it says it's been added to the qeue, but the soldier never spawns. I have not yet planned so far ahead as to know what I want do do with it all. (maybe replace all the soldiers or just one of the sides' soldiers, not sure yet) The the version I'm using is V1.1 the 8 player one. These are the tools that I have: Cpbo And the BI tools that you can download, it contains: Oxygen2 Personal edition BinPBO Personal edition Texview2 BinMake Visitor3 Just another thing, My exams start next week so I might dissappear for a while, just a notice in case I don't reply to any messages.
  4. Blatjang

    Adding Units/Weapons/Vehicles

    Hallo there, I am completely new to the arma warfare editing scene, I read through the things you guys were talking about, I found all the coding and stuff but it seems I still don't have a clue how it all works. I am trying to add some of the Bush conflict (Border war mod) units and weapons into warfare. It seems I don't know where to put the weapon and unit files and how to compile the files so that it actually works. My saralite.pbo file shows up in the multiplayer screen but it won't run. for example: (I quoted this from the previous reply) _weapon = "6G30" _ammo = "6Rnd_HE_6G30" _w = _w + [_weapon] _n = _n + [GetText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "displayName")] _i = _i + [GetText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "picture")] _c = _c + [40] _a = _a + [_ammo] _an = _an + [GetText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _ammo >> "displayName")] _ai = _ai + [GetText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _ammo >> "picture")] _as = _as + [GetNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _ammo >> "type") / 256] _ac = _ac + [5] I not sure how this part works. It would be really awesome if someone could help me out. Thanks