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About guggy107

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  1. guggy107

    Still no Manhattan artillery bug fix!!!

    havent played the mission yet...but is it true that if 1 of your squad dies you fail the mission? is that true for all of the missions in the game?
  2. guggy107

    Windows 7 and Arma 2

    this is good news. i was about to make a thread asking about win7 as well.
  3. guggy107

    Converted OFP SP Missions

    its been years since ive played OFP, but which was the mission where you end up on your own and have to meet up with the resistance? i can just remember that being the most intense experience id ever had with a computer game. is that one included in your package of missions?
  4. guggy107

    quick question about campaign

    thanks for the reply. so in terms of gameplay hours, is it comparable with the 30-some odd missions of the original OFP?
  5. guggy107

    How on earth do you.....

    at what point in the mission did you take out the main base? did you wait until the end? cuz ive heart that your arty disappears if you wait to use it.
  6. couldnt find this in the search or in any of the press releases... exactly how many missions are included in the SP campaign that ships with the game? thanks.
  7. guggy107

    quick question about campaign

    thanks. maybe a mod can move this thread over there so i dont have to start a new one?
  8. couldnt find this anywhere on the forums/press releases exactly how many missions are included in the campaign that shipped with the game? hoping to get the game soon, just trying to find out as much as i can about it in the meantime! thanks!
  9. hey all, im new to the forums. looking at getting a new pc so i can play ArmA2...been waiting for this for 8 years lol anyway, havent seen too many people asking about this particular graphics card im looking at. i cant find info on it anywhere. Intel Core 2 Quad 2.33GHz 6GB DDR 3 SDRAM NVidia GeForce G210 here is the other one i was looking at (probably better...not sure about the graphics card though) intel core i5 750 (2.66GHz) 4GB DDR3 RAM 9800GT what do you guys think? *edit* i know the second one is the better option, but its a bit more money. i guess what im asking is will the first one run ArmA2 okay on medium settings. im not too obsessed with getting everything to run on high.