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Everything posted by ***Patton***

  1. @acta13 +10 here i confirm !you can go your way in as far as possible :D
  2. ***Patton***

    Max LAPD (WIP)

    caiden use you even steal a work of others without permission or even credit thank that allow you to use high poly model made ​​possible thanks to your partnership with a fake team (ofrl partneship 3, OMG!) and you dare complain that someone, unwanted one of your addon let me explain some reasons for your bible out of excuses! same message in french caiden vous utiliser vous meme du travail voler a autrui ,sans permission ni meme credit de remerciement qui vous permettent l'utilisation de model high poly rendu possible grace a votre partnership avec une fausse team (ofrl 3 partneship,OMG!!) et vous osez vous plaindre que quelqu'un utilse un de vos addon laissez moi quelques motifs d'explications sorti de votre bible a excuses!
  3. I do not hi you ashamed of your work without asking me for permission to use the work cars models that I converted to ofrl that allowed you to create high poly besides work on lightings headlights night, the more you have addonmakkers of ofrl2 seek to give us some credits thank that you do not either. it kind of mold you are for you this? has built a reputation for making money on the backs of others while just a request for utulisation or even a thank you'll enough that ofrl 3 is a stolen name or for rent you my work with simple thieves n 'have nothing to do with ofrl2, after you have apply in private without any response from you, after having released false apology francis one of my partner work on arma I can make it public has to know that your bad times you fall back on anything that happens same message in french language je ne vous salut pas de votre travail honteux sans m'avoir demandé de permission d'utiliser le travail des models automobiles que j'ai converti pour ofrl cela vous a permis de pouvoir creer du high poly sans compter le travail sur les eclairages des phares de nuit ,de plus les addonmakkers d ofrl2 vous ont solliciter de nous accorder quelques credits de remerciement sans que vous le fassiez pour autant . qu'elle genre de pourriture vous etes pour vous permettre cela?? a batir une réputation pour faire de l'argent sur le dos des autres alors que juste une demande d'utulisation ou meme remerciement aurai suffi a savoir que ofrl 3 est un nom volé d ou vous avez echanger mon travail avec des simples voleurs qui n'ont rien avoir avec ofrl2 ,apres vous avoir solliciter en prive sans aucune réponse de votre part ,apres avoir sorti de fausses excuses a francis un de mes partenaire de travail sur arma je me permet de rendre cela publique a savoir que votre mauvaise fois vous retombera dessus quoi qu il arrive
  4. I solved the problem in private that I intentionally created publicly to know about the reaction will have ei8ght in public with the intention to know his true intentions towards me, I pray the community to apologies for my speech on the topic :butbut:
  5. for more peopole laught , this is my youtube channel with any fun's crap's kill by ei8ght on me in the mission test http://www.youtube.com/user/Porn2Frag?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/AQEB9ozezFo sorry all for my bad english and for very bad vidéo quality make with my ussama's computer...
  6. hello all , i need help for finish re-work planes , and i start a new topic for this :bounce3: look here i like Corsair ,F4Wildcat,F6F-HellCatt,P-47,B29,Mitsubishi Betty,etc... http://8676.superforum.fr/votre-1er-forum-f1/modeles-d-avions-ww2-t6.htm sorry for my bad engish,and sorry dad,i m ban to the school
  7. ***Patton***

    WW2 Planes Need help!

    hi!, i need help for finish texturing's job (interior's textures,reversed textures,front prop no work good) ,and the regulation of flight plan,i can't know what needed for some lod's! I do not control 02 in its entirety, i think's offer my convertion job to interresed guy's I'm a fan of aviation, I have done this work for me but I am happy to share with the community that made me happy with the mods ww2, Because arma is the best simulation of the behavior of aircraft (it did nothing to see, i have convert all hold opf plane and thank's Southy for the valuable assistance; it's very impressive good simulation plane,that remember me real feature of wing of war)
  8. ***Patton***


    hi!, and thanks for all best link, ;) I suspected that I had not asked as he was ;) In fact, I was wondering if it does it will be possible to have an extention ww2 made by Bohemia, I have bought opf gold edition, loaded and cocked queen gambit and soon I will buy 2 arrow head, then put some dollards more for a new addon ww2, I'm a buyer. :bounce3: for me i vote arma in the world is the best game ! :cool: I already have all mod and all addon (full computer for opf arma1 and 2,out of space lol!) :D
  9. ***Patton***


    Hi all ! i'm new in this forum! I have a question that haunts me and has directed bohemia, you have the option to make an extention world war 2 for arma1 or ARMA2? the mod on the world war 2 are great, I imagine an extension that is already above the T34 Here are my thoughts for an extension of the kind: :yay: :yay:... (sorry for my bad english langage,My old English teacher was ugly :D )