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About Vynaratorski

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I am so waiting for this! edit: Polacy? o.O
  2. I am a member of Polish Arma Community named GC-Team - and this offer is aimed only for polish-speaking players. We have: - forums - ts3 - arma 2 server - own mission makers We use: Arma2:CO ACE mod few additional mods What do we require: - at least 20 yo - arma2 (no shit, Sherlock) - people who want to sink into community - tactical approach - SOME experience in ArmA What we DON'T want: - uninvolved members - people who wanna hop in on forums or TS once a week What do we offer: - strong community - own, awesome missions - good teamplay - high-performance server - lots of fun - possibilities for further developement of your mad skillz - week-based coops If you are intersted in playing with our community and meet minimum requirements, feel free to send me a PM on the forums, or poke me on Steam - nickname Wynarator (the one with the dog in the av). Few videos: Also, trainings: UPDATE 1: In cooperation with biggest polish gaming portal:
  3. If aircraft is spawned empty then flyInHeight should be used on pilot. If aircraft is spawned from West, it should be used in aircraft init. Also check what's your starting position (should be flying instead of formation).
  4. Oh, sorry, I didn't get the question right -_-
  5. Place an invisible helipad (name it somehow, i.e. HERE) where LCU stops, then when the destination's reached and ramp is dropped do immediate detach and tank setPos (getPos "HERE");
  6. It's the height above the ground, not above sea level.
  7. Vynaratorski

    Spawning streetlights

    You can use objects called "StreetLamp" - if they wont turn off when shot, you can workaround with script that will switchLight "OFF"; when object receive damage
  8. What I'd do would be to teleport that tank via trigger using getPos so it get's alititude right (i.e. using position of invisible helipad)
  9. Vynaratorski

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    0_3EnWpSMEA Aqz3j7Uubbg MfDOVq179f8 DcExnHgroaI Please give me feedback in comments:yay:
  10. One more important thing: there should be an option to lock vertical or horizontal movement, so when you have elevation set you can lock it, and focus on azimuth. That'd be sweet.
  11. Hello! First of all: thank you for the great script! I've been testing it for some time and I really enjoy it. But there's few things I'd like to suggest. Excuse me if someone already pointed that, but search turned out no results. So, here it goes: Computer Suggestion #1 As far as I know terms "Longtitude" and "Latitude" are used for coordinates, not for grid reference, and ArmA is using grids. For grids it's called "Northing" and "Easting", correct me if I'm wrong. Computer Suggestion #2 I beg you, remove right side of computer (the help panel). It's ruining my immersion. At least there should be an option to remove it easily. Map position ACE bug In vanilla ArmA2 northings (I mean values on the sides of the map) were read from bottom to top, which is not how we do it in real life. In ACE it's fixed, we're reading them from top to bottom, but this caused 100m shift in all values. With this said, northing 040 in vanilla will be 039 in ACE. Now where's the problem? When using either map clicking or input method for target area in ACE, it's still using vanilla game reference. Example: I'm opening the map and selecting grid 0365 0405, but the computer is reading it as 0365 0415. So, using this script along the ACE2 makes us shift fire 100m each time. I think that's serious problem, or do I get it wrong? Again, thanks for good work! Also, can someone upload tables for different types of ammo for M119 and M252? I mean default WP, SMOKE, and COPPERHEAD? I'd be very grateful ;) edit: Sorry for being retarded, I just read through this thread again and found that BIS arty rounds are not working :(