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About Jackson006

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    AFL, Cricket, ARMA/ARMA2
  • Occupation
    Home hubby wife earn,s more than I can
  1. I am having problem in playing MP Warfare BE V2.060 I get into the server get into playing mode and a message comes up Missing CBA_MAIN. I have downloaded this CBA file followed the instruction for downloading. I have no other addons so what am I doing wrong. 2/4RAR
  2. Jackson006

    War with Iran.

    @ Walker Do you think that Israel is going to contact down town Riyadh and let them know that they will be sending a Sqn of IAF over there airspace, for the purpose of bombing the chit out of Iran’s nuclear power plants. Ever herd of the catch phrase loose lips sink ships. This is how it will play out if Israel decides to carry it out; the world will go to bed that night wake up the next morning to news that Iran’s nuclear plants have been decimated end of news bulletin. The only people that will know before it happens will be the Israel hierarchy and the IAF. 2/4RAR
  3. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I had to have a chuckle at this one! The only reason he doesn’t play on line, because it’s non-existing from what I have heard. I would love to see there Company Standing Orders, this reply is probably in it, under the section what to say when asked a question on our forums. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-game-pc-113/407277-question-helios.html Three days to go before the Last Post is played. 2/4RAR
  4. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Well it’s all over for the mods http://community.codemasters.com/forum/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-mission-editing-modding-chat-zone-123/382156-falklands-conflict-1982-pc-mod-4.html I think they need to take the word modding out of the sub forum. Post 32 I think his/her sentence should have ended with! and love it with out SDK kit http://falklandsconflict198.darkbb.com/general-discussion-f2/ I like the rolling notice on this site, wonder what game they will mod for. Bulldogs thanks for the explanation not sure why they need it though. 2/4
  5. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Luhgnut well that is why I haven’t purchased the game, when I first watched the E3 presentation by Uncle Clive I thought yes this could be a great game. As the months went by and more question were being asked with very few answers, it dawned upon me that what was being said and shown may not come to fruition. Thanks to people like you and others, I haven’t waisted my money.:) Tonci87 yep I saw that vid that Myshaak posted on here I think that clears everything up about cheating AI that they don’t. 2/4
  6. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Luhgnut that’s why a lot of people don’t like the game not enough patience! As far as the AI seeing through smoke, I don’t think so the biggest mistake people make popping smoke after being compromised is staying within or directly behind the smoke, it’s like a big neon sign saying I am here please shoot away. Not being the sharpest knife in the draw could someone explain the dispersion shield and has it got anything to do with that you tube clip, showing the soldier on one side of the little bird with the other soldier on the other side shooting through the chopper. 2/4
  7. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Well I play ARMA 1.14 version and I find the AI quite smart. I have been playing on the USMCG server and if you have been spotted from the air or the ground, most of the time they will target you if you’re a threat. What I have heard and seen about DR is that the AI aren’t that smart but with another 5 or 10 patches you never know. 2/4
  8. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    This is quite plausible if they have a spotter giving your position, they then direct small arms fire on that position. 2/4
  9. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Its seems there are a few people that never visited that other forum from June 2008 to August 2009, CM hyped this game to the max and most of you know the rest of the other crap they carried on with. It’s a pity they didn’t warn the potential buyer back then about how this game was nothing like the original. My last post still stands it pointed out another happy customer and I am sure if I have broken a rule I will be notified. 2/4
  10. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Another happy customer!!!! http://community.codemasters.com/forum/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-game-pc-113/403867-its-okay.html And some wise words from the supporters have a look at entry No 7 just put a smile on me dial. I don’t think they will release the SDK any time in the near future. Polis and his motley crew I think you will find that the 2 mods were part of the heroes group and we know who they look after. 2/4
  11. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    The irony of it all went over to my mates place on Boxing Day for a BBQ, have a few drinks exchange presents etc done this for the last 8 years. His missis got him DR for xmas he had just finished loading the game as I walked in. To cut a long story short after 20 minutes I left and went downstairs with the girls he walked down 10 minutes later game in hand and said honey take this back for a refund. I didn’t ask any questions but I guess the game wasn’t that good. After lunch and quite a few beers later, back up stairs playing ARMA and bagging CM good day and night had by all. 2/4
  12. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Just been over to the light side and came across this little thread, got to hand it to those boys over there. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399550 2/4
  13. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    A trip back to memory lane, the good old days. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=295535 Remember this guy: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1491286&postcount=2178 CM is going to come out on top best game this year after patch 2. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5876134&postcount=7 http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5876264&postcount=19 Got to give it to CM, they know how to hamstring someone. 2/4
  14. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    It is a pretty good selling point :D LoL 2/4
  15. Jackson006

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I know I was just over there, that forum beats watching the comedy channel. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=394971 And paying for the tour of the island hope they serve drinks on that tour. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5839561&postcount=18