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Everything posted by Graw2Pro

  1. "Arma 2 Warfare is a multiplayer scenario for the computer game Armed Assault 2. This is a quick guide to getting started playing Warfare.... http://www.wikihow.com/Play-Arma-2-Warfare----Quick-Beginners-Guide "
  2. Arma is rubbish - the developers appear not to have played the game. It has huge potential but its flaws make it a big joke and a pointless waste of time. I wasted many hours learning this game and trying to manage and control the idiotic AI. The main problems are that the AI refuses to follow simple orders and cannot navigate the map independently in vehicles without getting stuck. Also the AI spots you almost through any tiny gap in bushes. Taking cover does not work properly and lieing in grass is dumb because you cant see anything. Playing realistically and strategically does not work just makes you waste more time. When under fire the AI calls out useless directions. The various other weaknesses which everyone is only too familiar with make the game a big joke. Notice how no-one plays the CTI with AI, people just go solo - shows just how realistic the game is. I have had enough of making excuses for this dumb game. IT could have been so good. But instead flaws which could easily be fixed make it a big joke. Why dont they just fix some the problems with the AI, the cover, the AI driving, the fact that grass blocks your view but leaves you visible from distance, the pointlessness of playing stealth mode when the AI will immediately spot you even if you re laying stationery against a camoflouged background? This may be a rant, but I put the time into this game and it did not deserve it. Its not realistic, its poor and badly designed - face up to it.
  3. Graw2Pro

    Why I stopped playing Arma 2

    Well I hope you all enjoy your PERFECT game. BYE
  4. Graw2Pro

    Why I stopped playing Arma 2

    Strong words of criticism perhaps, but something the community needs to face up to and stop glossing over. Its not 2001 anymore, its 2010 and simulation gamers expect a much higher standard of product.
  5. Graw2Pro

    Why I stopped playing Arma 2

    Although Arma 2 is the best army simulation currently available. It has fundamental flaws which should have been addressed by now.
  6. Graw2Pro

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Its true its not a very constructive post, I accept that. I m tired of waiting for a new patch that fixes everything, so maybe I m a bit frustrated. Also graw 2 is not a simulation. Its just my favourite game before I heard of Arma 2. I m simulation to the bone trust me on that.
  7. Graw2Pro

    Why I stopped playing Arma 2

    I know the post wont make me popular but this is the forum in which to express it. Maybe the developers will release a new patch. Because as I said this game has HUGE potential.
  8. Graw2Pro

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Trust me I am not a troll. I am an extremely frustrated simulation gamer. I play flight sims, driving sims, and finally this army sim. and it has left me disapointed and frustrated. So I am airing my opinion.
  9. Graw2Pro

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Arma is rubbish - the developers never played the game. It has huge potential but problems like this just make it a joke. I wasted many hours learning this game, managing the idiotic AI, its a complete waste of time because of these fundamental flaws. The other problems are the AI refuses to follow simple orders and cannot navigate the map independently in vehicles. Also taking cover does not work properly and lieing in grass is dumb. These weaknesses make the game a joke.Notice how no-one plays the CTI with AI, people just go solo - shows just how realistic the game is. Its a shame.
  10. The M119 is impossible to use for direct fire (250m to 1k) because the metal screen blocks the gunner's view. I can currently only use it for target fire (indirect / long distance) using the aiming map. Why is this? Am I missing something obvious here? Or is it just a badly designed feature of the game?
  11. Graw2Pro

    M119 Direct Fire - is it possible?

    Thanks very much for this. I had indeed unbound optics from "0" (because I use the secondary mouse). Swapping back to the default setting fixed the problem. Thanks all.
  12. Need for an auto run button I think an auto run button should be introduced to prevent repetitive strain injuries (RSI) caused by holding the "move forward" button down on long journeys. Holding the forward button down for extended periods of time is unhealthy and certainly not realistic - why should your finger hurt after walking a long distance? BIS should introduce this feature in the interest of sound ergonomic practice. Given the increasing prevalence of RSI arising from keyboard use, a game like Arma which can demand up to 15 minutes period of holding one key down with one finger, should come with a health warning! It is not the force involved but rather the duration that is the problem. Any physiotherapist would warn of the potential for chronic musculo-skeletal disorders. Use space bar instead I have changed my forward button to space bar because its easier to hold down on long walks and also easier to stuff a wad of paper into. More realism I recommend others do the same. It actually makes the game more realistic because "long" journeys on foot become more viable: you can do something else whilst they re walking - like some real exercises and stretching for example! Previously I used to avoid long journeys on foot like the plague for the simple reason that it involved holding a button for 10 minutes which makes my finger tired and it not fun or "realistic".
  13. This final post by MH6 should be stickied, really useful.
  14. It's a microsoft reclusa one. It's not the pressure that's the problem. It's the duration. Furthermore, I believe the game's a lot better when running or walking to distant locations is a viable option rather than a pain in the erm...finger.
  15. Graw2Pro

    Is this available anywhere

    There is a map of the controls in the pdf manual that comes with the game. Have you looked there?
  16. Graw2Pro

    [Patch 1.05 Bug] AI won't follow player

    Will this be fixed I wonder if BIS will fix this - its really getting in the way of my CTI games. There is not point of using AI in a squad because when the action starts they will likely be found between 200 and 500m behind you, obstinately facing the wrong direction. If the model aims is to show infantry stress under fire then the AI should say something to that effect to show its not just a bug. I.e. "copy that, boarding vehicle but I m gonna take like 5 or 10 minutes to do it because I m having a strop", or something like that.... How to fix it The easiest way to fix all this is for human players' direct commands to take precedence over all AI algorithms. Surely it would be simple to do a patch where a repeat instruction (for example "move to" or "board that") would take precedence over the AI's "reasoning" algorithm. The drawback to that would be a loss of some of the "smart" autonomous AI behaviour when under fire. For example if ambushed while carrying out a move order we may actually want some of this behaviour by the AI rather than blindly continuing to move through the battle zone etc. New order menu A good compromise therefore might be having a single new order - such as disengage until task x is complete. So whether regrouping, moving, boarding or hiding - the AI would focus on doing that task alone as fast as possible and ignoring the combat situation. One would only use the "complete task" order once it became clear that the standard algorithms had failed.
  17. Graw2Pro

    [Patch 1.05 Bug] AI won't follow player

    I find Right Guard always helps! :butbut: Jokes, aside I had another look at this and it can be frustrating. It would be handy if there was a "speed up and do not engage command" or a "run to position" etc. Its possible that the AI pathfinding cannot cope with the load, particularly with the added variables under combat mode. However, a "run to position" order would be simple to execute. Maybe someone could do a mod with that command.
  18. Graw2Pro

    [Patch 1.05 Bug] AI won't follow player

    The reason they move slow in your repro is because they re in combat mode. Switch them back to aware and they ll speed up again, if its safe. ---------- Post added at 04:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 AM ---------- The AI is programmed to return fire automatically. Therefore try not to get ambushed in the open. Running without returning fire would get them cut down in real life.... Besides, if they re moving in combat mode only 3 or 4 at most should be exposed out of a team of 12. If they are moving in safe mode then you pay the price for that mistake. Its true there could be an option to move quickly while under fire, but that would assume infinite courage etc and probably would not be very realistic.
  19. Graw2Pro

    A few questions

    1- He s probably just in the wrong seat - this can happen using the default "get in" command. Intead use command 4 (mount) then the relevant command options for chopper and then "pilot". 2 - Your position is automatically reported - you wont hear anything.
  20. Graw2Pro

    Seemingly random medic behavior

    You cant heal if you re a team leader - at least not in the game modes i play. Normally option 6 does the trick unless theres some obvious problem i.e. under fire or the AI s having strop.
  21. Bring back the days when games came with large hard back 80 page manuals - hmmm A manual for Arma should have 2 volumes - one for commands and game modes and the other with purely technical information on all the equipment and weapon - ranges, top speed etc
  22. Graw2Pro

    Seemingly random medic behavior

    "In one session, I had a sniper squad member who was hit, and crawling around (not convulsing). He would occasionally say he was hit, and his icon showed injury. But, when I would try and heal him, all I could do was drag him. The first aid option would never be available, regardless of where I was." were you playing as a medic? try odering "stop" first when I was shot. I was calling out for help, yet a squad member right beside me just crouched there, a few feet away from me, not responding to it. I thought I might be able to give him a 'direct' order (selecting him specifically, then selecting some sort of 'give me medical attention' command, but I couldn't find one... I could only find the general 'Shout out that you need a medic' command. options 4 or 6 "Also, is there a means to order a squad member to give medical attention to another member? I thought there was, but now I can't find that." options 4 or 6
  23. Me too - there are a fewstandalone pdf guides around for CTI if you search - but initially its largely trial and error. The problem is that most people of the inclination to produce detailed guides probably already did that for Arma 1, and the games not changed that much since. Does make it hard for new players though. This is a good link for CTI http://www.wikihow.com/Play-Arma-2-Warfare----Quick-Beginners-Guide
  24. Graw2Pro

    [Patch 1.05 Bug] AI won't follow player

    Firstly, the AI makes its own decision based on its assessment of the battlefield. If necessary it ignores orders from the group leader. Orders for it to enter into safe mode will be ignored if are there are still enemies around. Secondly, the AI generally moves at a pretty slow pace. If you slow down to the same pace you ll notice that it plays pretty well. When AI gives you problem the best thing is to sit back and order them to go forward (into the camp). Then follow behind, with this approach you ll see they re not so bad, just really cautious. More simulation rather than fps.
  25. Graw2Pro

    Reporting contact?

    So long as you turn "autoreport" on, your reply is automated. You don't have to do anything more.