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About chotaire

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  1. I tried both scripts, I tried using both a marker and a trigger, using a trigger only, and finally even tried executing the VM in init.sqf, but I just couldn't get it to work. Did someone else get it to work?
  2. chotaire

    US Support

    I have found a bug and a preliminary fix for the US Support Script v1.5. Scenario: When deploying FOB1, upgrading to Command Post and getting a platoon (e.g. CAS Heli), the platoon will be added to High Command properly and can be used by the player. Now we undeploy the FOB1 and redeploy it, build the Command Post again and all high-commanded groups can no longer be controlled. Fix: Add High Command module(s) yourself in Editor and sync them to the player as you desire. Then, comment Line 1 to 7 in lkscripts\csupport\cmenu\c_init.sqf so that it reads: // HCG = creategroup sidelogic; // HC = HCG createunit ["HighCommand",position player,[],0,"none"]; // HC synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; // HCs = HCG createunit ["HighCommandSubordinate",position player,[],0,"none"]; // HC synchronizeObjectsAdd [HCs]; // HCs synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; Now that HighCommand/HighCommandSubordinate modules do no longer get created/overwritten by the script, your HC config will persist throughout the mission. Someone might come up with a better fix. chotaire PS. Another bug you might want to fiddle around with: When deploying a Tomahawk base and undeploying FOB1, the base will no longer be visible but it will continue to exist (and work). This implies further bugs which I leave to the reader's creativity ;)
  3. If I understand this right, we're ripping the First Aid functions off the module so we can do with them whatever and whenever we want. That's a good idea. However, what about units spawned by the SOM and ACM modules, how do we set their inits? Does that mean I'll have to screw around with those modules aswell or is there a way to change the init of e.g. all_units on the map? This looks very much like I'd have to code a replacement script for ACM, SOM and AIS altogether which I am sure I am not capable of. ;(
  4. Yes, that is interesting aswell. I've never seen AI doing this on their own, dragging or carrying people that is. Regarding linking the AI modules to all units/groups on map, I've been trying something like this without much success, testing to autosync to the player, if it had worked I would've thought of trying this with all existing units and loop it. However I just couldn't get it to work at all: FAcenter = createCenter sideLogic; FAgroup = createGroup FAcenter; faais = FAgroup createUnit ["AlternativeInjurySimulation", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, ""]; fabc = FAgroup createUnit ["BattleFieldClearance", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, ""]; faais synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; fabc synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; Now when shooting people in my group, I see that there is no AIS/BC in effect. Last but not least, I found something on the BIS wiki that might mean it is generally not possible to loop this? Quote: You can also spawn an ACM by script (createUnit). You will then have to also script its synchronization to a unit (synchronizeObjectsAdd). This needs to be done within 0.5 seconds from the start of the mission, because after that synchronizations are processed and set in stone. Maybe I've led some clever guys into the right direction and we can get some progress, that would be really cool.
  5. Hey guys, I know this is the first time that I'm posting to this forum. I've been reading and following up on this forum for quite a long time already, this is just the first time I need help and since there have been 83 views already, I might not be the only one. Hopefully someone has an idea or is interested to lead me into the right direction. I wish it was possible that First Aid could be globally synced to the map but obviously I can't, that's a real pity because these First Aid modules are really nice. Since I like a lot to create maps that spawn units dynamically, I'd love to get a hint. Anyone?
  6. Hi all, I've got a question. Is it possible to sync the First aid modules to all units ingame when they get spawned, even for units spawned by the SOM module? Thanks for your help. ---------- Post added at 11:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ---------- This also implies both friendly and hostile units spawned by the ACM module.