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About T1NG

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    Love arma2 but need to find a clan
  1. T1NG

    What Mouse For ArmA2?

    I was shown this one the other day, I thought it looked pretty crazy http://www.engadget.com/photos/mad-catz-adds-mice-to-cyborg-pc-gaming-line-includes-human-dna-and-gaming-mice-dna/2586355#2586512
  2. Hi Mikee, firstly I'll say great work! tested it last night on LAN and enjoyed it alot. 2 small issues though, it may just be me not knowing how to change it but when i start the mission its night time and no night vision, to be fair i was expecting no night vision due to the style of mission but so i can learn the mission a little better id like to start it in the day time, is that possible? When I selected civilian the civilian AI units followed orders as expected but on all the other 3 teams the AI wouldn't move after they are given a command, they just stayed in the base, is that a problem or am I doing something wrong? Ow one more thing, It says that it requires the ACE2 mod which is fine, but it doenst say it needs the CBA mod, should i be running it with out CBA or should I run it with it? Again, thanks for all your hard work, I love this mission..:)
  3. T1NG

    1.05 Benchmark Mission Results

    I got Bench 1 = 22 FPS average Bench 2 = 8 FPS average I found this a shock because when actually playing its petty smooth and Id say runs ok, the only real time i get FPS issues is online in CTI (Player name:Martyn) after the game has been running for ages and theres a lot going on. the same would probably happen in other game types but have only played CTI so cant say. I use Athlon x2 with a 9800GTX with 2gb ram and have all the in game settings set to normal apart from the quality is set to high, thats on high because it don't let me select normal, if I do it switches back to high on its own. I think im going to try and SLI my 9800GTX with a 9600GT which I have lying around (not even sure if thats possible), Ill report back the results I get with that.
  4. Nice one, thanks for confirming that for me, i wasnt to sure if it would find them automatically. thanks again for all your hardwork
  5. Hi, I downloaded the VTS last night and have to say I love it! I think I downloaded one of the earlier versions though so will try the newer versions later when I'm home from work. 1 question when using the Panthera version do I need to run the @panthera mod or will it find it automatically when starting the mission? I can test this later to find the answer but at work at the minute so have to wait to find out. Thanks for all your hard work with VTS, its awesome
  6. Big thanks to you Sickboy and your team, I downloaded ACE2 through yoma which went smoothly, then loaded up the editor and spent a good few hours messing with everything. Its truly a awesome! shame im at work now and have to wait another 6 hours before i can get home and play some more:(