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Everything posted by cannonouscrash

  1. Im planning to upgrade my PC within the next few months. Things im set on is. Obsidian 700D Gigabyte P67 UD* i7-2600k Corsair XMS3 8gb Radeon 6950 2gb OCZ Vertex 3 SSD 120GB. Im wanting to watercool it, but im unsure about the waterblocks needed. I cant find any socket 1155 waterblocks. Or waterblocks for the 6950. I think im being daft somewhere along the line, Could any of you guys help me out with what blocks are compatible with both. thanks in advance. Jack
  2. cannonouscrash

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    Looking good on the UAV Mr. Bravo as its portable, im sure that the thing is tiny and the little imperfections such as angles of certain edges would be relatively difficult to see in game. As for your weapons pictures, There are some detachted suppessors/silencers on the G36 series, Does this mean that they are detatchable in game?
  3. cannonouscrash

    MBG_Buildings_3 - European Theatre

    Hey man these are looking great. With the pub, is it likely to be a traditional English pub? If it was, and you created a damage model for it as well, it would be a traditional ye old pub and modern beer house :-D
  4. Really hope thats a very subtle hint... Looking forward to the update, We dont get to use it much in our clan, but im sure rexeh tries to put it into every mission he makes.
  5. cannonouscrash

    WIP: Qom Province

    Hey man, This sounds like a really promising map. Question though, How detailed are the mines? are they enterable or is the entrance thing thats at the mine in Feruz Abad?
  6. cannonouscrash

    Windows 7 - where is .ArmA2Profile???

    your .arma2profile is the notepad file called 'captainbravo' Click the file once and at the bottom of the 'windows explorer' window, it should say .arma2profile Hey presto, you found it
  7. cannonouscrash

    Windows 7 - where is .ArmA2Profile???

    You got stuff in... Documents>Arma2/Arma2 Other Profiles And stuff in 'YOU' >appData>Local>Arma2/Amra2OA Hope this helps
  8. cannonouscrash

    ArmA II launcher by alpinestars

    Try running the game vanilla, with no mods at all, If it works, then its likely to be a mod thats causing your hand up. If that doesnt work Try running the game without the modlauncher. add your mods to the target line and see if it loads up then. If it loads with mods, Then its the launcher. If that doesnt work run the game from a shortcut without any mods. If that doesnt work Reinstall arma and start from the beginning
  9. cannonouscrash

    Volvo FH16 Trucks for ArmAII

    Id be amazed if it was functional. Ive been told its not possible to have the articulated bit in the arma engine. Although, perserverance is the mother of all god like creations!
  10. cannonouscrash

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    ... The mod is highly expected to fucking rock!
  11. cannonouscrash


    Steady Mr. Tank. Soul, Do you plane to create a static one? somethings that enterable for those illustrious hostage rescues of the 70s?
  12. cannonouscrash

    CAnnot join many MP games

    If you find a server that you want to play on and you cant because everytime you try to connect it kicks you for not having downloadable content. type the server name or unit/clan name into google and get on their website. The website should tell you about their public server and any specific mods that it runs. If in the server name on the mulitplayer screen it says 'ACE' or something very similar then you need a mod called ACE2 - Advanced Combat Enviroment Once you go ace, You never go back! Link to the ACE thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=113797 Read things thoroughly and carefully as you are bound to mess up the installation, as its not just double click>next>next>next>next>Finish. There is alot of stuff in ace, which might be why you get a different file missing each time you connect. Hope this helps more than other advice.
  13. cannonouscrash

    Military Life - RPG - WIP

    Sounds like a good idea, something a little different from fishing for whale and getting arrested half an hour later. I know the RPG genre of 'mods' arent that well liked within the community, but i enjoy playing CL and hope this could take some of my attention away. Cant offer you any skills, As i have none.
  14. cannonouscrash


    awww, I Hope it isnt some joke and not a photoshopped picture, the model looks ace
  15. cannonouscrash


    To true, with the little island of Utes in the middle of the big blue. Im probably not the only one, but i 'whois'd' the site and it comes with up a company in toronto, The company in toronto hides the whois information on domains. So no luck there to see if its official. It boads the question, If it is official, why would BIS be creating a DC-10.
  16. cannonouscrash

    [OA] BD Hellfire 1.0

    Wally, if you can designate a target, another chopper with laser guided missile, or even a attack aircraft with the laser guided bombs should be able to see the laser.
  17. cannonouscrash

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    And to think most of the best videos had at least one gun shot in it... That was wicked, I hope you make more in the future mate.
  18. cannonouscrash

    NIAC - Ambient Combat

    I was trying this with him last night and can say it adds great ambience to the map. Apart from the Gau-12 going off in the background, but he said the mod is modular and that you could add any weapon you liked. Although he promised that i would not die.. I did from one of the arty strikes. Bombs are real, Bullets arent, but its all about the noise which makes you look everywhere, thinking you're gonna get messed up. Best thing is, It doesnt need to be clientside. So 'i think' it was built into the mission.
  19. cannonouscrash

    vehicle transport

    Why does more than one person feel the need to quote the rules everytime they are broken
  20. cannonouscrash

    Major stability problem: Arma 2

    Ive had the issue before but ive never overclocked my GPU, only the cpu
  21. What people get all depends on how much money they have to spend, Most people from this community who buy a new pc will buy components rather than a full pc, as they can build a better one for the price. And its not that difficult considering at bare minimum theres only about 7 components to throw in, and wire it up. If you're after ideas about what you can get, You should give people your budget. and include more of your current rigs spec as thats key to saving you money
  22. cannonouscrash

    [Alpha] RTE for ArmA II

    Cheers for the correction iOnOs I shall amend my shortcut exes and hopefully then it wont duplicate my objects placed :-D