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About chn_andy

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  1. Windows XP there's no entry reported from ArmA 2 in event viewer
  2. Well, I have tried your setting: Video memory high & texture normal it still crashes with "Error: Device freed"
  3. I started the game without any mod or any other addons, it still crashes... This time it crashes, when restarted, the game shows an error message "Not enough physical memory / swap file space for 524288 KB" and the game could no longer launch again unless reboot...
  4. Hi, this is my first post and i have encountered a serious problem with ArmA2 The game keeps crashing to desktop with message "Error: Device freed." Before crashing, the game constantly stops and shows "receiving...", sometimes it requires ALT+TAB switching to restore the screen from "receiving..." But most of time it just crash after switching. When the game is started the second time, it often crashes after the Disc-Check. I reboot the system but it's useless.... My hardware includes: ATI 4850, Quad 8200, 4G RAM OS: XP SP3 Driver: Catalyst 9.8 So i switch every video option to high (Except for anti-aliasing). Once the game performs pretty well at these settings, normally 22FPS+ even 40FPS+ once. I suspect the problem lies in the game itself. Today i tried to restore the video setting to normal and the graphic card setting to default, still useless. So I need your help