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Everything posted by space

  1. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I agree whisper - I hope that DR makes BIS raise their game, which is good for us, the paying customer. Ive still got ARMA installed, but I only play it again when new patches are released - the game has great potential and I had that one day it realises its potential. Also I may not have been registered here for long, but I am a long time lurker. Some of you have short memories regarding what happened on this forum when ARMA2 was released.
  2. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Ok fine dismiss all the reviewers opinions who have pretty much consistently given it 80% - 90% . The guy you refer to was asked twice about comparing it to ArmA2. Do you think its any different here? And sorry if you guys dont like me posting links to reviews. I realise that the only "defence" about them is "reviews don't means crap", but what are you going to do about the players reviews later in the week? No doubt you'll pick the 10% of bad reviews as the truth and dismiss the other 90% as COD players? I think we all know that some of you will do that, but you wont be able to prevent fans of the genre from seeing the truth and going out to buy the game.
  3. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I sense that some of you are upset that OFP : DR has turned out so well, particularly after the disappointment of ArmA2. Some of you need to swallow your pride and look at both games (without considering mods/future releases) and have a long hard think about which is the best overall package. Considering that everyone has played ArmA2, some of the criticisms of DR are pretty ironic, but the people making these criticisms cant cant see that. A big factor in realism is the immersion, which is very hard to judge from screenshots and youtube clips. Many people on this forum will be trying the game later in the week, so I guess that we will get a better idea of how it is when people post up their opinions, but if they're positive, then no doubt they will be dismissed as somehow not being true ArmA fans. I think we're going to be hearing alot of this tbh : Review: Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising Review - ComputerAndVideoGames.com
  4. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Is that why BIS postponed the release of the ArmA2 demo until after launch? I certainly wouldn't have bought it if I had got to experienced the bugs and AI before I bought it.
  5. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yes it works on spawning and despawning. So really the 63 limit is just in whatever area you happen to be in at anytime. According to the editor guide the limit isn't actually fixed - 64 entities ia s guideline number, to make sure all missions work on the minimum recommended spec machines.
  6. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Myshaak, in real life if three Abrams crews ran out of ammo, do you think they would be ordered to leave their tanks where they were, and get out to help with an infantry advance. Please tell us more of these realism features - Im very interested in them.
  7. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

  8. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Apache-Cobra - these guys arent mil-sim fans - theyre BIS fans. If CM sold OFP : DR in a solid gold DVD case, these guys would say ArmA2 is better because the box is lighter.
  9. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5680728&postcount=199 Sounds very cool
  10. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I see you have a Sapphire 4890. I can "only" afford a 4850, and trust me, to get ArmA running on my PC, it doesn't look quite as pretty as all the promo screenshots for ArmA. So Id say yes - with the highest spec hardware ArmA most probably does have the better graphics, but if you took your average PC gamer, and set each game to run smoothly, then I think it maybe OFP that has the edge.
  11. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Thats pretty much how I see it right now, plus it seems to be pretty much bug free, and has far lower hardware requirements (probably due to its smaller scale) The golden question is how are the MP and modding capabilities. Noone has played MP yet for obvious reasons, and CM are being suspiciously quiet about modding ( apparently the guy who deal with modding it is on holiday - it would make sense as they have no doubt been working hard to recently, but they can only use that excuse for so long )
  12. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    DM - he said it was his partners friend who works in the industry that has the game - he said that him and 6 of his mates went round to their house to play it. Im sure he wants to play it, but he cant buy it yet! :D And if you want to quote sections from his thread, how about this bit when Rommel350 from this forum asked : The reply was :
  13. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Zipper thats not talking about the game - thats thinly veiled trolling. In my experience ArmA has plenty of hackers and kiddies too, and to have a discussion about potential hacks that may or may not appear for OFP : DR in the future isn't really much of a discussion about the game. That would be like speculating what BIS may or may not break with their next patch. Also DM - get a life - you completely misrepresent facts, and constantly take quotes out of context. You know you do this, so ask yourself why you feel the need to do that? eg : The guy who played it said: And you say : You obviously read the whole thread, so you know full well that the guy didn't actually have the game himself, but he had played it at a friends house.
  14. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Oh dear Flarma your post is going to make them cry :D But one thing you're definitely right about is the fact we'll all get to see the game this week, so hopefully everyone will have the facts then :)
  15. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Well DM I cant be bothered to individually respond to every piece of misinformation you typed there, but almost every negative thing you typed there is in fact confirmed as the opposite. Anyway, we'll all find out how the game plays this week. As I said earlier in the thread, some of you are painting yourself into a corner.
  16. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I expect most people here would play the game on hardcore mode, which will make the game last much longer. It sounds like the mission editor is pretty cool though - One of the reviewers with ArmA experience had this to say on that To knock the game for things like not having rabbits is frankly absurd. The biggest problem by a mile with OFP : DR is the lack of info about modding and dedi server. With the release so close its not looking good. Most of the other criticism of OFP : DR in this thread are minor realism features really, which can equally be said about ArmA2. And guys quit the personal attacks against each other. Supposedly ArmA has a more mature crowd?
  17. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yes you do - I post there as well, often to point of the problems in OFP : DR. Both games have compromises and deficiencies, but I just think its crazy that pn this forum so many supposed mil-sim fans completely dismiss OFP : DR for the smallest of details. It seems that some of you are BIS fans more than mil-sim fans. Why does it seem like you can only like one game or the other on this forum? ArmA2 has great potential, and one day it may achieve it. Who knows how OFP : DR will turn out, but so far you cant deny that it looks promising.
  18. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Flarma This applies to them as well. Obviously you will get bias on the BI forum. Everyone here knows the truth about ArmA2 because we've all played it, but some of them have painted themselves into a corner, and they're starting to realise it. because half of the argument against the problems in ArmA2 are defended with "the ACE mod will fix it"
  19. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    CM really shouldn't have used the OFP name - all this ArmA2 vs DR crap is stupid - the game is obviously good enough to stand on its own feet. Despite the undeniable compromises they have made, it looks like a very solid mil-sim/tactical shooter. The augment about which is more mil-sim is full of holes on both sides as my previous post pointed out : Basically ArmA may gain a few more players by OFP : DR attracting new players to the genre, but realistically I think that ArmA will probably lose a few players ( probably the ones who have pretty much given up on ArmA already.
  20. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Well we have less than a week to wait and find out. Its hard to discuss a game that no one here has played, but we do have several reviews where we can pick up details. Yes they may be biased/paid off by CM/lying, but when you read the same thing in several reviews, then it does start to form a pattern. Also some of you knocking Flarmapoint for fanboism, really should get out of your glasshouses first. Surely you mean fictional land of Chernarus?
  21. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    A game that works would be a big step forward for BI. Ive just made a game with 10 billion units, and 10 000 player pvp - oh but it doesn't actually work. Does that make my game the best mil-sim game you can buy? I was bitterly disappointed with ArmA2 - everyone said it would be a bugfest, and BI did nothing to stop that prophesy from coming true. We are all clinging to the hope that a future patch will fix ArmA2 ( and not make it worse ) or that the ACE mod will fix it. Instead BI have moved on to their next game to try and get us to pay to beta test for them again. As one of the reviewers has said : Btw - talking about ACE : How come their changes for gameplay aren't cried about as being unrealistic, along with many other things in ArmA that aren't realistic? And why is it upto a free mod to fix a game that I paid BI to give me?? Its easy to nitpick over tiny things, but its the overall experience that matters, and everyone who has played OFP : DR has said that the production values are very high.
  22. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Madd - ask Zipper to prove any of these bad reviews of the missions - I think you'll find that every post he makes in this thread is incorrect. Heres some OFP : DR reviews. I read them a while ago, so I cant remember whats in them exactly, but I doubt youll find anyone complaining about the missions : oxm review 8/10 PC Zone review 9/10 PC Gamer 87%
  23. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    COD wont have dedicated servers at launch either apparently, plus all the reviews have said OFP is superb, so its sounds like you're just hoping it sucks. I get the impression from my friends that its ArmA2 thats been forgotten about. Alot of people are sick of clinging to the hope of the next patch or the ACE mod. I know alot of people will be moving over to OFP. Review: Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising Review - ComputerAndVideoGames.com Personally I think that with comments like that, to just dismiss this game is crazy - a few weeks ago it looked like CM might have messed things up, but from all the reviews and clips that are coming out now, it looks like this game is going to be awesome if played on hardcore mode.
  24. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=224624 That review and most of the other ones disprove what you say. Isn't it a good thing that more games in this genre are being produced, especially when its accessible therefore attracting new players? Is there some secret rule that you can only like ArmA, and you must summarily dismiss any other similar game? Sure OFP is not the same as ArmA, but its not a million miles off. Its obvious by the fact that this thread has 185 000 views, and is by far the most popular thread on this forum, that many ArmA fans are going to be buying OFP, which will hopefully make BI raise its game - thats the beauty of competition - its good for gamers.
  25. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Well the review does say this : I presume that most people here like ArmA, so how many of you guys are going to be trying it, to see if its better? The vast majority of the reviews so far have been great, with the main complaints being that at times its too hardcore. Does this put you off it? Surely all the reviewers cant be wrong?