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Everything posted by space

  1. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Thats fine because you kind of creep me out a bit :D
  2. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    90% of my posts on the CM forum are saying that without dedicated servers and mod support the game will be dead in 6 months. Several times on this forum Ive asked, why you pick over minor issues, whilst ignoring the fact that those 2 features are missing? Even without those features the game still looks like it will be good, and if you like realistic shooters, then it will be worth buying. But that doesnt mean that it will outlast ARMA or be better than ARMA will be in the years to come ( Ive said that in several posts here as well ) Like I said I have no loyalty to any company, and I have actually been far more negative about DR on the CM forum, because there they actually talk about the important features that are missing!
  3. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I've given plenty of criticism of DR, but Ive also defended it where the posts against it have been absurd. Ive also discussed the positives and negatives of ARMA. The difference is that some of you ONLY discuss positives of ARMA and only negetives of DR. As I said in a previous post, Im a gamer and my only loyalty is to good games ;)
  4. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Grow up guys Yes scores and reviews are objective, but as noone else has played the game, they do give us a good insight. Its funny how all reviews are dismissed all of a sudden ( due to all the DR reviews being good ) and yet when ARMA2 was released ONLY the bad reviews were dismissed. When certain forum members are off line, theres a mature discussion of the pros and cons of the game in this thread - then the trolls come and it all turns to ****
  5. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Sounds like a pretty fair review overall and not a bad score. Hopefully the controls are much better on PC.
  6. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Don't get me wrong I agree that the release day version should be reviewed. Luckily for BIS some reviews get updated as games are "polished" with patches - thats what I meant ;)
  7. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    lol an BIS fan saying that the Gold version is the final version a game should be judged on.
  8. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    The problems with the original OFP are well known. You're just find something in that review to dismiss it. That is the only thing you can come up with.
  9. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    First mission in DR is a tutorial as well, so theres a few hints in it. Also regarding the review, he said nowhere that he didnt like the first OFP - he just said he didn't complete it. The frustration (not in a good way) with the game was a major criticism of it. You can read the review and see for yourself here : http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=224624 Tell me where he said he didn't like it?
  10. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Problem is that most people buy magazines for the content rather than the adverts. And in that magazine theyll read the review that says :
  11. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Just lol :rolleyes:
  12. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Arma2 has more than its fair share of hackers and kiddies, and the stability of the game on-line leaves alot to be desired. Hopefully this will be fixed over time, but maybe everyone will be playing Arrowhead by then?
  13. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    No Leopardi I'm not a troll. DM said himself that most people are comparing ARMA2 and OFP : DR. Is there s FLIR in ARMA2? No Is there s FLIR in DR? Yes. Get over it! Theres no need to then start comparing other future games to DR, so that you can say "Well ARMA2 doesn't have it, but this future game will" Exactly - give DR criticism where its due, instead of nitpicking of the tiniest detail forever. Who cares about the FLIR - sure its nice, but hello! There isn't even modding confirmed for DR yet!
  14. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I think you are asking about modifications? You can create missions, but there has been no confirmation about being able to do anything else yet. I think that they are probably waiting to see how the sales go before they confirm anything.
  15. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    You see Zipper you imply others are trolls but lets look at your recent posts. You say that OFP : DR wont sell due to COD. I show you the figures that disprove that. You reply "well its close" But now my prediction has changed to DR sales going down and COD rocketing. Cant you see that every post you make is trolling? As for DM comparing VBS to DR. Yes it can be bought, but its not aimed at the public. Can you not see that that comparing $1500 software to a $40 game is somewhat unfair? Last night the discussion had become a sensible and mature discussion. Now it seems to be rapidly going downhill again
  16. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Guess you didn't check the sales chart in my previous post then. On the PC, OFP : DR is outselling COD :MW : Amazon Pre-Order Chart Play pre-Order Chart Which is pretty impressive considering how big the fanbase is for COD.
  17. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    But why would you compare military technology which is not available to the public with a game? And Arrowhead is still a long way off release. As for OFP : DR not having good sales - well it looks like its holding its own against COD : MW on PC : Amazon Pre-Order Chart Play pre-Order Chart
  18. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I think that DR will give you what you're looking for, but I don't see why it has to be and either/or decision. Im sure ArmA2 will be fixed over the next 12 months, plus theres great MODs being worked on for it. Its pretty questionable how long DR will last (though I'm sure it will have great sales figures initially) Its starting to look like Codemasters have messed up the Multiplayer and are not going to support modding.
  19. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Why are we talking about VBS2/Arrowhead ? Also have you got a SS/video of the reticule for the M1A1 in OFP? I've hardly seen any M1A1 stuff yet.
  20. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    That's the best option of all - try and keep everyone happy :D . Hopefully they allow alot of customisation on PC. We'll soon find out. ---------- Post added at 10:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ---------- http://ve3tro.com/6029/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-interview/? That interview is mainly talking at the console version, but it has some good info, and a nice screenshot of the FLIR. The comment about the AI spotting you easier if you're on the ridge line is pretty cool.
  21. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Well we will have to see how much they allow customisation of the controls - one thing that Ive seen far too much of on the youtube clips, is people playing the PC version with an X-Box controller. Just because you can, shouldn't mean that you should! :D
  22. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I like radial menus personally, and making it contextual is even batter. The easier it is to issue commands, the greater immersion you have ingame = the game feels more real. If you're battling the interface instead of fighting in the game, then that's not a good thing. Sure you can memorise commands over time, but why make life unnecessarily difficult? It doesn't make it more hardcore - it just makes it a pain in the ass.
  23. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    OK this is the translation:
  24. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I've asked a Russian guy I know on x-fire to give us a rough idea - he said he'll watch it when he finishes the game he's playing.
  25. space

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Eth if you read my posts you would see that I said by far and away the biggest potential draw back with DR, is the lack of confirmation (wall of silence infact) on dedicated servers and modding capabilities. The thing is that none of you guys even talk about that much, and instead say things like "DR hasn't got rabbits" which doesn't really reflect well on you :D It looks like DR will be a solid game (though I agree I cant vouch for that until I play it and neither can you). ARMA2 is getting better with the patches, but personally I want a game that works now, and Im not going to base my opinion of ARMA2 on what it might be in the future with mods/xpacks/patches. Having said that, if the game changes in the future then of course that may change my opinion. I'm a gamer, and the only loyalty I have is to good games (which is subjective of course) ;)