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About space

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  1. space

    Making videos for youtube?

    The way to get the best quality with a small file size, and ease of use, is this method (Ignore the resolutions he sets - youtube is back to 1280 x 720 I think) : Youll need: Fraps (For original recording) Sony Vegas (For effects and resizing) Ajax Easy h264 (For encoding) The file you upload will be the correct size and format so it means that it wont be re encoded.
  2. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I know some people here didnt like the inaccurate AI in Dragon Rising, so here a link to a new mod : Hardcore AI version 1.0
  3. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    It says you been on the BIS forum for 8 years - are you sure you've never seen so many customers venting their anger before? And the angry customers over there are actually a small vocal group. CM seem to let the threads stay up unless there's anything offensive. They must be commended for that, as some games forums delete critical threads at launch as I'm sure some of you know. Its interesting to see that the vast majority of the critical threads, are regarding dedicated servers. If the game was no good, then to be honest noone would really care, so its a sign of the quality of the game that so many people are passionate about having dedicated servers.
  4. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    You have a strange recollection of these forums from this summer. The BIS launch was as people expected - buggy - and people were so angry that the forum was pretty much locked down. I just hope that Codemasters spend time fixing the problems with DR. The game is pretty polished, and the bugs are minor, but some of the things like key presses not being detected are extremely annoying.
  5. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Depends on your system Goeth. Ive not seen anyone in this thread say that OFP : DR is capable of better graphics, but for me personally it achieves better graphics when the two games are set to run smoothly.
  6. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Careful guys - I received an infraction for talking about other games, even so it was a reply to another post about this other game. Apparently this thread is strictly for discussion of OFP : DR only.
  7. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    No the vehicles use it as well - it was mentioned in one of the videos where they were talking about the helis having ground effect. Anyway I agree the vehicle physics need some serious work. The good news is that the games files encrytion has now been broken, so hopefully some serious modding can be done :)
  8. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Yes that's fair point. Really ARMA2 has been in development for over 5 years. Its built on the Havok physics engine, which is pretty well respected. Good point :D Fair enough, but I was only responding to something that another member had said, so I hope he received a warning too. Plus I quoted the server stats and x-fire stats. Less than 350 players at prime time on a weekend evening would be considered a dead game by many, but if you see it differently then thats fine.
  9. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Ive spent months on the forums ( mainly trying to get fixes for the game or looking at the mods) but yes I only recently registered. If you read my posts I also give DR plenty of criticism. Both games have been released prematurely imo, and both games have the potential to be great games. Both games have their problems and I dont mind saying so. As far as I know there isn't a forum rule against anything I've said here. Ive only played it for a few days, so I've been playing on experienced mode ( which is like medium difficulty - I had planned to play it all on hardcore, but that soon went out of the window :D ) Also I've only completed the first 4 missions and the first one is basically a tutorial. The missions are taking much longer as the game progresses, and most last just over an hour. Ive been replaying the same missions over and over with friends on 4p online co-op, so there's replay value even on the lower difficulty levels. Also the editor looks pretty powerful, so there should be some great community missions created soon ( hopefully ). Online multiplayer is basically broken at the moment. There's no dedicated servers, and as time progresses it becomes less likely there will ever be any. This means that a player has to host, which leads to a world of disconnections and lag. Also there isnt any user created multiplayer missions yet, so we are stuck with the 3-4 that CM have made ( Theres only one which is any good really )
  10. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I couldn't agree more ;)
  11. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Strange - I though you said that reviews dont matter? Or maybe youve changed you mind now, in which case : Zoo Magazine (UK) - 5/5 IncGamers - 9.4/10 CHIEF Magazine (NL) - 93% Games.ch (Germany) - 93% PC Zone UK - 90% and Classic Award Power Unlimited (NL) - 90% Gaming Heaven - 90% and Silver Award Gamesradar - 9/10 Hardgame2.com (Spain) - 9/10 Electronic Theatre - 89/100 Gamersnet.nl - 88/100 PC Gamer Sweden - 87% Play.tm - 85% XGN (Dutch) - 8.5/10 Meristation (Spain) - 8.5/10 3D Juegos PC Review - 8.4/10 gram.pl - 5 out of 6 Pelit Magazine (Finland) - 83% Vandal.net (Spain) - 8.3/10 IGN PC Review - 8.2/10 IGN UK - 8.1/10 Official Xbox Magazine - 8/10 Gameplayer (Swedish) - 8/10 Multiplayer.it (Italian) - 8/10 Now Gamer - 7.8/10 Gamestar (Germany) - 78% PC Games (Germany) - 77% Gamespot - 7.5/10 Official PS3 Magazine - 7/10 Eurogamer - 7/10 Videogamer.net - 7/10 Dagbladnet (Norway) - 3/6 hrej.ch (Czech) - 9/10 BonusWeb.cz (Czech) - 6/10 Doupe.cz (Czech) - 5/10 Eurogame.cz (Czech) - 4/10
  12. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    OFP : DR X-Fire Stats ARMA2 X-Fire Stats The stats are updated a day later - DR hasn't even been full released. ( Look at the "highest rank achieved" stat ) Every review has given DR 8-9 out of 10.........apart from 3 reviews from the Czech Republic and one review from Norway.
  13. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    You should play on hardcore mode. It certainly isn't easy. I played a bit of co-op with friends and it was cool, but very hard :) Online is a bit of a cluster**** atm, but the games just been released, so noone knows what they're doing, and its basically the blind leading the blind. :D Im sure it will all settle down in a week or two.
  14. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Hehe - MaxxyB if only thy had let you design the interface. There are aspects of your video that are apparent in the final game. One thing that strikes me in the final game is the fast moving low cloud ( obviously not apparent in screen shots ), but that is in your production. The thing is that with minor patches the game could almost be like your footage. Even better, if they allow modding then we will do it for them!
  15. space

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I can assure you that I want to play ARMA2, and I also have faith that one day Ill be able to do so. The fact is that I cant atm, so i eagerly await the next patch ( or my next upgrade :D ) Until I can play ARMA2 acceptably, Ill have to put up with the compromises of OFP : DR.