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About mak1264

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  1. I am a newbie when it comes to first person shooters but not when it comes to rts and or sims. While striving for realism one should also realize with today’s technology one can give a sense of heightened realism. A good example of this is the simple fact that your blacks should be black and your whites white. While the world may have a grey hue to it there is no need to put that into your video game. People can adjust their contrast on their comp if they want to change it. Better animations for dead soldiers and vehicles. While individual characters seem to have many damage points the vehicles minus the tank seemingly do not. The way the tanks armor and health is measured should be applied to all units including soldiers. Also, create better animations and better variety of how characters die. Does character blow up into thin air or do body parts fly out you said it’s a sim so start acting like one. No need for niceties the gorier the better. Think Saving Private Ryan. Greens grays and than bright crimson blood. Sorry I just drooled on myself thinking of the possibilities. This is not to say u should go duke nukem just make it more than guy gets blown up by rpg and just lays down blow his body at least 4-20 feet in the air those suckers destroy people. -The gunner at side of helicopter needs to have hands on the gun no excuse for this having done years of animation and character modeling myself I know how easy it is to perform this task once the full characters parts are rendered.. -Need complete customization of characters WofW esc. This should not just be applied to facial structure and body type but hair color voice and yes there should be a female version cause at least in Israel and certain instances in US females are part of the military and they are certainly part of gaming world. -Voice over’s Better voice over’s for all characters and more of them from announcing grenade throw to duck... there should be about 25-31 special announcements kind of the same air of Age of empire 3. I need medic. I need Ammo... that kind of thing. Sounds- This to me is the part you have the most to improve on. No reason for it either. Get real live audio for most of these vehicles and weapons u have a huge fan base so u should get most of it for free if people in the military hear about what you’re doing it for. Exploit your fan base were your biggest fan and biggest supporters. You keep us happy you won’t even have to worry about marketing the word will spread as it did with your first game. Also there should be sounds for bullets hitting various types of material. The sound a bullet makes when it hits water is different than that when it hits an armored vehicle or glass window. Glitches- Noticed that sometimes I’ve spawned in water don’t no if that’s glitch or bug but it should never happen. Name tags-this is my opinion and I will get a lot of flak for this comment from hardcore gamers, but I think there should be an option to have user tags for TEAMATES and teammates only as an option. The space bar method is clumsy and unrealistic I feel it should at least be an option for more casual gamers and in turn it limits amount of team kills and creates a better game as a whole because u can easily join units on your side already in the field. More specific parts to each unit should be combustible. Meaning u should be able to shoot one of the jeeps tires out and slow it down kind of thing. Also I think u kinda have this already but could be better but u should be able to shoot units in unprotected vehicles like jeeps or in our case hummers no pun intended. Textures need improving on roads and grass. While textures are okay for short grass fake grass that has depth is better. Finishing touches graphics- Need to work on glare and shadow affects more while what you have done is good it still needs polishing. Remember your blacks black and your whites white. Keep up the good work- Your fan mak1264