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Everything posted by commander1985

  1. commander1985

    The name of this forum

    Well i think the name is pretty fine, its not BIS fault that people dont know the difference between a map and a mission *lol* However with all their mighty powers mods could at least move the Threads to the right place :)
  2. Islands are compatible? Why? How? I mean, on our server we installed OA over Arma2 so we got Combined Operations on it. When i try to load and play a mission on a map like Thirsk or my Ovaron it just jumps directly back to the mission choice screen. It doesnt even think of loading anything... However Arma2 Standard Maps work. Any idea what could be the Problem?!? Until i readed this Thread i thought it was a new bug^^
  3. commander1985

    Change Tide?

    is there anyway to change the tide? Gut. noticed high tide seems to be between 0730-1400 on my Map and that infantry get drowned in swallow water in that time. Has anyone an idea how to change that? Like maybe no high tide at all?
  4. commander1985

    Change Tide?

    Okay thanks for your inputs mates :) Looks like Warfare players should reconsider tactics on my map because of the weather influence^^
  5. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    How about a BE warfare without Ace Stuff?
  6. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Version 1.1 of Ovaron is released. Look at the end of the first post about changes and download link. Have Fun Commander
  7. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Thank you this is very much appreciated. Maybe i can fix something of this before i update :) In fact im looking at this spots in the editor right now^^ Edit: Dont know if i can fix this, i would say this is an AI pathfinding problem in some way. Only way that comes to mind to fix the issue with tracked vehicles would be to make hills less steepy or put some rocks in their way which i really wont like to do since its very difficult to alter the heightmap now...
  8. commander1985

    Sigma Vehicle Pack

    Will you add a server .bikey later to the pack? Missed it in the Download :(
  9. commander1985

    Sigma Vehicle Pack

    Simply Awesome.... Downloading now :)
  10. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Well maybe next map will most probably a mixed one in terms of structures, but it will be a green map. When OA is out and i still have enough time until i start my further education (hope thats the right word for it) i will do a desert map. Already had some nice ideas :) Since your so interrested in my next map i got 2 early wip pics for you. Will take some time until that map will be finished. P.s. Brain is for internal use only, sry no download link :)
  11. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Well im doing a second map, its almost half done. Last time i was working on it i was doing the towns. But im concentrating on Ovaron at the moment because i have not much spare time. Looks like i will continue it when OA is released, maybe i add stuff from it. Maybe i stick to the old stuff. But i will surely make something for OA some day because there was a lot of interresting stuff to see on the preview pictures. Cant wait to put my fingers on it :D
  12. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Thank you for that link DnA, looks like its a bit more complicated then i tought. So im going to do that Armory stuff later... ---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 PM ---------- Whoops forgot something. If anybody is interrested in a CTI/Warfare for this Map then head over to www.angryinsects.de and their CRcti Proman which now includes this Island ;)
  13. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Looks like most people dont care about the names or find it funny (like me). I think Kruger would like fictitious names better but has no problems with em. And because the people who are against it are only a very poor minority i will keep them as they are. Also i won't anger the people who already made or doing missions with the names since they dont need to rename anything :) Im aware of that problem that ki is crashing into trees and working on that. Thank you for telling me. I will check that Grid too. Btw.fixes and changes so far: Hopefully fixed bridge AI wont drive on (Villa Riba west Bridge and the counterpart on the east) Removed some bushes who hopped on the roads. Moved Airport a bit and added a Taxiway. If i have enough time after work i might be able to upload an update this weekend or around next week, but i have a small problem with my satmap which is time consuming too so i cant promise. Edit: Damn almost forgot that Armory Bug! I try to fix that one too but i have no Idea how it works etc.. So it might not be in the next update. Making this Map playable for everyone is my first priority. Hope you understand that. Greetz Commander
  14. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Well looks like your both right. I guess i have to look how many are against that or who want them to stay like they are and decide it before i upload the new one. I have enough to do for now^^ Im currently working on that Airport expansion. Its a bit tricky on that small groundstrip. Of course i will fix that issue with that starting planes. To bad the ILS System tells the planes to land north and start north. Landing north and starting south would be the best Solution but i dont know how to do that. I tried that allready on a new Island im working on but i found no way to realise that. Maybe some other Mappers are willing to share their experience here with me :) Greetz Commander
  15. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Thank you all for your comments so far. They make me keeping my work up since i see its really apreciated. However, some people where complaining about the townnames via pm, ts3 visits etc. so im going to change them in the next version. I hope you all understand that, since i not want to offend people with that map in anyway. yours sincerely Commander
  16. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Both are in, you just cant see em on the Screenshot :) I have no Clue why that happens. I go check configs and logs if i can find something but i cant promise to fix that since i almost dont know anything about scripting. Btw. i was reading a comment on another Community Page that someones PC crashes when he loads the Map. Anyone else got that Problem? About the People that complain about to much red/yellow trees. Maybe i go green it a bit up in the future, but for now i want to concentrate on the bigger problems. Greetz Commander
  17. commander1985

    Ovaron Island

    Well i tried my best to avoid that, it worked pretty well when i was testing it. However sometimes they seem to avoid a close bridge and use another one. Hopefully i can fix that issue in the next releases... P.s. It is a lot of fun to play a warfare on this, just had one with some mates today :) I just love flying a heli close over the Riverbed and Suprise the Enemy :D
  18. You should ask in the Mission Editing Section. Cant you set the direction in the editor? I am pretty sure there is a button for it :) Beside that i have no Clue.
  19. commander1985

    editing chernarus

    You can edit the Sat and Mask, theres an Addon that did it :) Looks like he depboed the map and changed the satmap then saved it again as a patch -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=84082 Makes Chernaruss look much better, cant imaging playing without it :)
  20. commander1985

    3D programs for edit terrain/heigtmap?

    Right if you only want a heigtmap some other Programs might be enough. But i cant imaging working without L3DT anymore because i can make Satmaps with it :)
  21. commander1985

    3D programs for edit terrain/heigtmap?

    How about Terragen or L3DT ? I use L3DT because i can do quite more than just the terrain :)
  22. Hi Folks, i've encountered a new Problem. The GPS doesn't seem to work right. I was pretty sure it worked in an older Version of my Map. But now the GPS only shows 2numbers. 1x and 1y axis.. I guess its a Problem in my Config but im not sure what it is since im pretty bad in scripting. My whole Map wouldn't even work if Beton would not have give me a working one in the Past. Thx again Beton :) However heres the config.cpp part that seems to be for the GPS ---> class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = 000; formatY = 000; stepX = 100; stepY = 100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = 1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = 10000; }; }; I hope you can help me out once more :) P.s. sorry if it was discussed somewhere else (which i think it was), but i couldt find it via search.
  23. commander1985

    Config.cpp and the ingame GPS

    LoL, that was all!? Dunno why i didnt see that little bug.. However thank you very much! You just made my Day :)
  24. commander1985

    Config.cpp and the ingame GPS

    Just in case you dont know what i mean, i uploaded these pics.. I hope somebody can help me now with this stupid problem....
  25. I use the second solution (yes cluttercutter.p3d works) Didnt noticed the first one yet, will try that too. Thanks for the Info :)