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Everything posted by commander1985

  1. commander1985

    Really Dumb questions

    Take a look into the Structures Folder ;) You can also find some Stuff in the Misc Folders (Army tents for Example)
  2. commander1985


    Thx for your Offer Non-Human maybe i take em. Thx to Alliexx too, didnt know i could use em, however i have no idea how to include them in my Addon.. Trying that for weeks now :/ (Im a noob in Arma2 Editing^^)
  3. commander1985


    I know its a bit offtopic, but can someone tell me where everyone gets that palms and other stuff for arma2 like that palms? I cant find any Addon :/ (except that Stadium)
  4. commander1985

    Error Land Grid Reference exceeded range

    Its the Temperate one, but im thinking about changing it :)
  5. commander1985


    Thanks for Shareing that Info you two, i will go and try it out now.
  6. commander1985


    I guess this is about adding a runway to arma2 in visitor? I just doin this now. Is that all handled with a config? to avoid that bumby terrain under the tarmac? If yes, could u please give me the Link for that page with that //ILS stuff? And maybe an example for the config? :) Would be really nice Greetz...
  7. commander1985

    Error Land Grid Reference exceeded range

    My Config now: Terrain grid size 2048*2048 Terrain Cell Size 5m Sat Grid is at : 6144 because it does not want to take bigger ones :( That always runs with an error. @SnakeMan my map is intended to be that small. But i have no errors so far when testing things out in Arma2. Looks quite good too :) Only Problems that i face now are that i dont know how to make that Runway and how to integrate own addons or addons from other guys (the last just for personal testing)
  8. commander1985

    Error Land Grid Reference exceeded range

    Okay i did like you said and it worked, i didnt checked that option before. Texture Size was 5m! Made it 80m now to also avoid that MLOD Issue. Best of all i can use the better Heightmap now :bounce3:
  9. commander1985

    Holes in Map after Binarizing

    Sry that i respond so late, was in hospital for some days. Yes the Problem was in the Settings. Changing Texture Layer didnt worked for me. The Terrain Grid Size was way to small (was 256*256) . Had to make it at least 512*512 to get a working Texture Layer Size (80m*80m). Looks like a no go for the smallest Grid Size....
  10. Hey Guys. Im trying the half day to fix a bug in my map, i pretty sure i read something about it somewhere but i cant find it again. So i hope someone can help me with this ! As you can see the Terrain disapears in the mid/far... I have no idea what to do anymore :( P.s. Have to fix Satmap... Looks like an Alienplanet somehow :P P.p.s. the map looks fine in visitor!
  11. commander1985

    Island binarizing problem

    Map finally works ingame :D I just got to fix the holes in the Terrain Bug next :butbut: Thanx for your help guys!
  12. commander1985

    Island binarizing problem

    Thanks for your fast replies. @Beton I knew i forgot something. I readed that .rvmat thing somewhere else already. But i did not renamed the Png.s i converted them with Texview.. (Or is it just renaming them??) Well whatever i take the normal pngs instead now. To your other Peoples thanks for your advice, I will delete all now and reinstall it. This time without the SampleModels and the spaces in the Folder Name. I hope this time i get it right :)
  13. commander1985

    Island binarizing problem

    Hi folks, i also got Problems with the Binarizing. I just reinstalled everything yesterday for the 10th time! But i got still Problems :/ Well but i writed everything down i did. So i hope you can tell me where i made the error. Now for what i did: I created a folder in the root of drive C:\ called "BIS TOOLS 2" I then created a new Folder in that "BIS TOOLS 2" Folder named "ArmaWork" In that folder i created a new one called "ca" Looks like this C:\BIS TOOLS 2\ArmaWork\ca\ Now i put all the .pbo`s and .bisign's from Arma2\Addons folder in it (roughly 10gigs) and extracted them with "ExtractPbo.exe" from Mikero. ( Just drag and dropped them on the extractpbo.exe from mikero which i copied over there too, i did that not with the .bisigns) My UnPBO.dll is in the System32 folder of Windows. NOTE* In created a Plants2 Folder in my Armawork\ca\ folder and put the decyrpted Plants2_bush , clutter , misc etc in them and removed the Plants2 in front of the foldernames. Looks like that: armawork\ca\Plants2\Clutter Misc Bush Plant Trees Same with Buildings2_Ind_CementWorks... Looks like this: armawork\buildings2\Ind_CementWorks\ NOTE* There is even a $PBOPREFIX$ in it that tells me to do so. NOTE2* Its the Same for the Chernarus_data and _data_layer folder. They belong to ca\Chernarus\ but since im not using them i leave them where they are I entpacked the ca.pbo in a different folder on C:\ called BINTEST and moved the unpacked DATA Folder and the config.cpp and $PBOPREFIX$ inside my armawork\ca\ folder Now i started the Install Suite for BI_Editing_Tools_2 and installed them to C:\BIS TOOLS2 After that i extracted the ARMA_SampleCharactersAnimals; ARMA_SampleModelsEnvironmentOther and ARMA_SampleVehiclesWeapons and put the Extracted Data to my Armawork\ca folder overwriting everything! Now i copied the old BISSAMPLE MAP in the ca: folder knowing that it wont binarize because of the errors in the config.cpp of that map. lol ^^ Well i followed the Arma2 Terrain tutorial from here and created the TUT namespace in my root of Armawork and copied the .cpps from armawork\ca to the tutnamespace with the xcopy *.cpp P:\<YourNamespace>\ca\ /S /Y command , actually i took the copy_cpp.bat. NOTE* I read some about this UnRapify in some Threads but i dont have any .bins after unpbo'ing the addons or after doing that copy_cpp.bat thing The only .bin files i found are in P:\Dta and P:\Bin After that i copied the TUT_Samplemap in the TUT Namespace so it looks like P:\TUT\TUT_SampleMap Now i followed the Tutorial again starting Visitor3 creating a new map etc. i just got 1 problem at point * 4: In the Project parameters window click on Base (active) and press the Edit Button. Choose 40x40m Texture size. Apply and close the Project parameters window . That only worked after i created the map. I changed it after i klicked okay the first time. I now telled visitor where to find the textures for that TUT_Samplemap as described and then imported the Terrain and so on. No Errors when loading up Bulldozer. Everything works find so far.... When i go on to Binarize after that i click on "Pack" after i made the Settings as told in the Terrain Tutorial And i get a Error Message just on start :::: ERROR in Config p:\tut\ca\a10\config.cpp ERROR in Config p:\tut\ca\air\config.cpp ERROR in Config p:\tut\ca\air3\config.cpp ERROR in Config p:\tut\ca\animals\config.cpp etc.... Looks like those files i copy there from the ARMA_SampleCharactersAnimals; ARMA_SampleModelsEnvironmentOther and ARMA_SampleVehiclesWeapons Packs :/ At least the Errors seem to be in the folders from them... However, Binarizing still finishes... And i dont know why, but this time i could load the map in ARMA2 !! I dont know what i made different this time Oo I loaded the map in visitor and made a fly with the cobra.. Textures where fine. Funny thing was that when i switched back to Mainmenu the carrier was gone and everything felled into the water Well after that i tried it with my already made map I changed the configs etc and made a namefolder for me. Imported terrain etc and binarized it, with the same config.cpp errors i could load the map for the first time!! *JEEHAAA :P* But i had no Textures , the map started with this error: can not load layers\p_000-000_I01_I02_I03_I04.rvmat. NOTE* i use textures from the old BISampleMap because i aint got better ones... I also converted the .pngs to .paa because it was suggested in a tutorial from opfec.com Might that be the cause of the error??? Thats it, i have to go to some docs now i hope there will be an answer when im back. Btw, i had somekind of flickering when i was playing on my map... it was on the borders from water/terrain. Also made some Pics of em. I will upload them if needed but i hope you can help me find the errors without them for now. Cya Comm. P.s. sorry for my english. Edit* Sry for the bad grammar, but i wrote this text at night and just copy & pasted it. I hope u still know what i mean^^