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Posts posted by Kayjay

  1. Have yet to play Dragon rising but seriously arma 2 just doesnt make me want to keep playing.

    I admit it is a nice game,maybe a very nice game even but the overall extreme sadist complexity of the game is ridiculous. the controls i mean. It took an age trying to work out how to type for god sakes.

    Learning curve aside(since its probably a personal problem) the other aspects of this game are pleasing. Graphically it is impressive, when it works. Seemingly it is difficult to even run this game on normal settings. The performance issues are mindblowing, weird loading textures I'm experiencing destroys the experience. Terrible frames equates to a bad experience regardless of the complexity of the game. I hope they give us a huge performance increase asap via a new patch.

    Gameplay wise, while being somewhat immersive(or could be since frames are terrible) is still plagued by weird ai that stare at walls while prone, run past you at literally one metre away.

    Other issues include: weird jumping'ish sway of the the aim reticule thing.

    -when the aimpoint is aimed towards a light source it goes white. wth.

  2. ^ thanks mate!


    How do mods work in the game?

    Weapon mods work in multi or singleplayer?

    What are some trends in multiplayer?

    What mods do people mostly use in multiplayer?

    What ping can be tolerable in multi? (insrugency allows me to play with 200 ish ping


    To AUSSIE players, are there alot of you guys playing?

  3. Luhgnut;1458807']LOL...... go for it. Don't say you haven't been warned. And don't go whining anywhere on why you can't get your money back.

    And where are these reviews that say it's so great? They are even bashing it on the OFP/DR forums. Few of the guys on their forums are trying to get a lynch mob together. Except for the console guys' date=' but I can understand their excitement. They have to justify to themselves why they bought a console in the first place, so when you throw them a bone, they go bonkers. Oh, and you have 18 posts. Funny how a guy with 18 posts slams a guy with 1. Whoo hoo![/quote']

    the polls indicate otherwise. man half of the people whining on the forums dont project any aura of legitimacy. they just go spamming everywhere.

    Official reviews have shown a variety of scores. a few 4-6s, some 7-high 7s and more than a few 8-9s. 1 full points

    haha, its gonna be fine for me, no whining no nothing! money really isnt a problem. do you know how much games cost here in Australia(assuming ur not from here) 100 bloody dollars for one game. but online buying has managed to save me 50 which i used to buy arma 2 aswell. so i get the best of both worlds.

  4. I had better expectations for DR. I went to the shop paid £35 and after an hour I wish I could take it back.

    I can't believe the difference between this and ARMA2. In DR everything is poor, and I mean everything. I am disappointed. Hit rates, 5 shots to kill a dude? Vehicle driving, I'd rather not. No 3rd person if you needed it, no free look, just not very good. People say that the grafics are good. They are much worse than A2, A2 is beautiful, blue skys, wonderful realistic trees, grass etc. Also the sound in DR isn't that great, in fact I rate the sound as poor. A2's whistle of bullets flying past your head is excellent. Ambient sounds also immerse you in the game, all is missing in DR.

    Anyway, there's too many differences to list between DR and A2. A2 is, a bit glitch, but on the whole much better.

    I feel like I've been mugged buying this game............I think we are spoiled with A2 and anything else is second rate.

    so you er.. decided it would be cool to register an account and post one post like that? mmm. wow

    anywho, i have yet to get my hands on a copy of DR, though i am excited. opinions seem to be both negative and positive, so dont know what really to think. doubt it will be a game that really turns me off though. ill get alot of fun out of it.

  5. Pre release reviews are all bullshit anyway.

    You'll only get an objective opinion after it's released.

    Read any IGN preview and it's "we're so excited", "looks awesome" etc etc but that can be quickly be replaced by a 2/10 AFTER the game is released.


    there are already reviews. SO there are PREVIEWS and REVIEWS for DR already. i believe the linked ones are reviews. and for the record. both previews and reviews have been quite pleasing. generally anyway.

  6. One thing that really irks the sh*t out of me is why after countless questions over the AI's seemingly inability to shoot anything more than 10 feet in front of them, don't they just show us some lengthy AI vs Ai firefights?

    So far all I hear is "It's probably on God mode" or "Have you played the game?" or "It's the beginning of the campaign so perhaps they are leveled" -type of nonsense. It takes 2 minutes to show off a proper firefight and this only makes me doubt its ability.

    It is in fact confirmed that many clips are take in god mode for the guys to get the proper shots they wanted.

  7. Hey guys,

    I'm looking to get arma 2 but some doubts on the game plague me.

    Has the patches fixed alot of the issues with the game(ai, performance)

    what are some outstanding issues-?

    I have haeard and read that tehre are issues with the campaign and how sometimes it might not work. (saw abit of this myself when i was playing the game for a little while, put me off a bit)

    and Will my comp run it smoothly and what settings are recommended



    2gb dd3

    4870 512mb


    How do mods work in the game?

    Weapon mods work in multi or singleplayer?

    What are some trends in multiplayer?

    What mods do people mostly use in multiplayer?

    What ping can be tolerable in multi? (insrugency allows me to play with 200 ish ping


    To AUSSIE players, are there alot of you guys playing?

    THANKYOU once again

  8. So all the reviews, videos and information etc. don't count? Right.

    lol you did it again.

    Heres the problem, you seemingly chose to ignore the positives provided by the reviews and then picked out the negatives provided by a few reviews then took the negatives and labelled the game with them.

  9. It's just you, that can't realize the utter failureness of DR and keep convincing yourself it's a decent piece of software when it's not.

    you just proved my point. i never made any point on the "failureness" or success of DR in my previous post. my post was about your own personal flaw, in which you think you are correct. Your ridiculous assumptions, sheer arrogance, on what you think my opinions are. You assume i think these things when i have shown not shown indication of what they are. You have assumed and judged DR based on no evidence of true gameplay or experience.

  10. Well I think you're the only one biased here, DR/CM fanboi.

    your attempts to blame other people of bias does not hide your own blatant and painstakingly obvious subjective self. you are blind, ignorant while somehow being able to convince yourself you are the word of reason. plus its fanboy not fanboi

  11. This game has some kind of strategy game atmosphere...

    "All right, I took the snipers and the MG guy, that makes 6 points, when I take 4 tanks I still have 41 points left...mhmm"

    I predict epic new "mission battles". Each side gets half of the units and fights for survival :cool:

    You didnt read it properly

  12. well they owned the name, so they named it ofp because they felt that it would be derived from the same spirit or aim that the original ofp used. however i do believe it wasnt the best choice. I have spent alot of time on the cm site well relatively more time there than here to which i hope i will be spending more. by giving it a go i meant that people shouldnt bash the game before its released.

    the game is going downhill in the eyes of some people. in which alot of views are only speculation and not confirmed. lol uphill, well that wasnt very hard when u consider going uphill is by clearing a load of bugs. I dont wanna be viewed as an arma hater. i actually wanted to get this game and i still do. but the hour i played proved to be disappointing. and since im here, would u address my concerns?!

    has the ai been fixed? they seemed ignorant of my presence when i played!

    and will it run smoothly on q9300 and 4870 512mb and 2gbs of ddr3?


    @bush im not sure but i think there is a mode or something for multiplayer in which each player has a 4 man fireteam attached?

  13. hey dm how about NO?!

    i was just offering another piece of opinion. is what i said not true? yet the points you proposed all confirmed by cm and truth?! oh my magazine quote is real, i didnt make it up if thats what you were thinking

    magazine is atomic their military themed issue. for those that read it.

  14. Thanks to Dawnrazor666 from our forums, we have been shown some actual ranking of OFP2 in two German gamemags.

    PCG 77%


    + stylish and expensive lighting with vast battlefields

    + lots of weapons

    + compelling campaign

    + terrific sounds


    -AI comrades have blackouts

    -you can complete some missions by using trial and error tactics only

    -no quick save

    -inconvenient radial menus

    conclusio: it's like playing the old Ghost Recon series

    Gamestar 78%


    -no embark and disembarking [animations]

    -no vegetation drawn at distance [same clutter technology i guess]

    -hostiles are often less demanding

    -it hardly feels like playing a team

    -vegetation is indestructible

    -vehicle controls are woolly [?]

    -campaign too short

    -armory is just little in use

    -less surprises

    -some glitches in logics

    -AI is sometimes not responding or behaves uncommon

    -vehicle fleet is not really in use during campaign

    -no cutscenes

    Source: http://hx3.de/operation-flashpoint-2-dragon-rising-155/ofp-dr-updates-15809/39/#post268963

    Edit: Thanks to Cyborg11 we have intel about the comparison article that can be also found in the current issue of the PCGames


    "Is OFP2 the better Arma2 ?"

    The answer is: obviously NO!

    [...] But after some missions it becomes plainly clear that OFP2 is everything, but not a real military simulator. [...]

    Source: http://hx3.de/community-161/ofp2-keine-konkurrenz-f-r-arma2-17758/34/#post268968

    And from an Australian article: lAnticipation rating: we've stopped playing the full version of Arma2 in favour of this. 'nuff said.

    some people are so cynical on this thread. Give the game a go! its not even released yet and i dont think the 40 man limit is official and confirmed.

    I dont want to take it out on arma, but arma didnt have a smooth beginning either. though i like arma2 its not without its faults and rather large faults at that. Releasing a buggy almost unplayable game is "not on" but doing it twice is unacceptable. I have considered the purchase of arma 2 but after playing it for a while, its giving me some doubts. the seemingly buggy and ignorant ai have something to do with it.
