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Everything posted by fercz71

  1. Ok, got it on my own. This doesn't work if player is a group leader. $%&/ Ferch
  2. Hi, I know it is not exactly the sam topic, but I am not able to order people IN the vehicle using an SQF script. I have created an empty vehicle, and a few soldiers in mission editor. Solders are in player's group. Named the vehicle VH1, added an action to the player to trigger the script. This is the script I am using: _group = group player; _group addvehicle VH1; {_x assignAsCargo VH1} forEach units _group; units _group orderGetIn true; ...or... group_units = units group player; _max = count group_units; _i = 0; while {(_i < _max)} do { (group_units select _i) assignAsCargo VH1; [(group_units select _i)] orderGetIn true; _i = _i + 1; }; It does work if I use moveInCargo, but this is not what I want. Help greatly appreciated. Cheers, Ferch