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Everything posted by aidas2

  1. Damn great map, but why oh why it has to need combined ops :/
  2. Gmod ppl managed to pull them out from mw2 and have the models fully working in gmod, maybe the models could be imported to a2/oa that way? Or would there be legal issues. Ontopic would be nice to see soviet afgan war mod.
  3. aidas2

    DLC - Chernarus goes to the Snow

    If they gonna do winter pack, hope its not chernarus, but something more winterish, Russia, mountains,ski resorts, cliftsides, full wheater modules, sounds, new models for lots of soldiers, it would end up like OA did though, but would bee cool looking into snow wal through thermal and seing enemy soldiers and they dont know ur there :D
  4. I dont get it, why everyone wants usmc so much? Id rather have a new Opfor, winter map or campaign, we already have usmc.
  5. aidas2

    Next DLC: PMCs

    Maybe as a free pack with a couple missions where you need to escort or hunt, but other than that not. Winter Astan or any form of Winter expansion with serious mountains, blizzards, proper winter clothing, cliftsides, snowmobiles, something like in mw2 or Inception would be icing on the cake :D Maybe as a full expansion like oA :D A IDF dlc with a new map and maybe opfor would be cool to :D
  6. Great looking map, just maybe use OA textures? these looks blurry, but cant wait to play on that, dont forget to include some flora, dense grass, bushes on the hills, astan ain't sand and rocks only as in OA :/ But Awesome map.
  7. http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-oa-factions/a-2-oa-takistanian-military-forces_en.html << Isnt this the Takistan army? This could be some sort of TDA ( Takistan Democratic Army :P ) A Cut off from the Takistan army, but in different, camo, with M16a2's, using more modern stuff like Humvves, hueys, bluefor'ized/ modernized Takis :D
  8. aidas2

    Head Bob...how many use?

    10 - 20% Its a nice feature, but makes me sick of the constant up, down, right, left so I just leave it at the small ammount that shows only when running fast or going prone and so.
  9. Will get this for sure when I can, wonder what other surprises bis has for us.
  10. I would pay if a2 would get updated to oa standarts, but not for getting the stuff you already have, just released with oa standarts while original a2 things is still not in oa standarts.
  11. Just use the community made reskins and thats it, if you want proper usmc, we will have to wait till bis updates a2 upto oa level. And how could this even be a dlc with usmc already in arma 2? OA players only? it would be stealing money by giving you what you already have, just with a couple new features.
  12. Considering that you've done most of the main climate zones, I would say a Very good Winter map with Hills high / big and common like in OA's Takistan, including some glaciers, forests, planes, observation posts, bases, airfields and a arctic sea in one side something like in Inception or MW2, with 90 degree angled hillsides to :D to simulate the most epic and large Snow mountain range ever. I dont remember anyone doing something like this, so it would be very awesome if you or someone else could do, but I would prefer you do it since you have a good eye on detail. Some heavy winter modules and Winter OpFor, Blufor, Spec ops infantry Air units, Campaign/ missions would just be damn amazing Some pics of what I'm talking about:
  13. Amazed, everything looks great, at first I hough that the chinook was the last update and though thats it? But then saw the epicness below :D Il have to get A2 to play this lol. Looks too damn amazing. The photo gallery is also a very nice addition.
  14. aidas2

    Ch-46e & ch-53e

    Both have very high quality made addons for arma 2, the ch53 has 2 i believe, why not just use them?
  15. Ugh, what do you think, baf will be released in a week... And in the new press release they said their redoing lots of things to fit oa and then new sounds will take a lot of time to do to...
  16. aidas2

    DLC - Canadian Forces

    I'd rather have Germans or French, since Ons are doing vely wel, but if they could pull it of with something bigger than the Brit pack it might be worth looking at.
  17. aidas2

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Delete this, wrong thread.
  18. The map is empty, but heck, somehow I manage to have fun it, it's very good when you want to train flying, hope the desert gets a bit more detailed with OA stuff.
  19. aidas2

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    A nice, big Takistani Militia or Insurigent campaign just like the Resistance in OFP. If army DlC then French, Famas w/ eotech = win :D If something like the ah64 mini campaign, then either a Ac 130 or a terrorist warleader hunt as SpecOps minicampaign.
  20. aidas2

    DLC - US Navy ideas

    Ch 53 or as Mw2 ppl would say a Pave Low, if its even used by the navy, the blackhawk is getting booring. Some sort of Navy pilot mini campaign would be interesting to, with coastal bombarding, killing other ships, providing cas, extractions or something, or a behind enemy lines campaigns :D
  21. A map similiar to the one in Behind Enemy Lines (1) movie would be a nice addition, with destroyed abandoned towns, fields with empty tanks, traps, wire, left over weapons, you get the idea, and a little chechech, rebels addon to :D Great maps btw, cant wait for Lingor
  22. Everything looks so damn amazing, just hope the units dont end up looking fresh from the factory, just add some dirt on the skins and all will be ok :D Anyways Keep it up!!
  23. Will the M16 pack need A2 to work in OA?
  24. The LAV 3 looks godlike :D Keep it up.