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About Cascinova

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    computer war games, making love
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  1. Cascinova

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Anyone know the best way to refill ammo on static weapons, particularly artillery? I built some howitzers, but its difficult to refill the ammo. I tried parking an ammo truck next to them, but it seems I can only select one of the units of the 4 to get ammo from the truck. The other 3 dont have the option, and then after the 1st unit refills, the option to refill the others is gone. Does the ammo truck only have 1 unit of ammo? The other option is to park a repair truck there and use the support menu, but this costs around 400 or 500 to refill each howitzer, dont you think thats a little much? I mean jeeze its only a few arty shells, it shouldnt cost that much. Now if i want to refill 4 guns thats around 2k. However this seems to be the only reliable way to refill static guns, but it's too expensive.
  2. Cascinova

    Making Razor Team invulnerable?

    I cant believe your running into problems that early in the game. I honestly never had a problem getting past that point. But I also always run out way infront of my group and start firing first, I never had an RPG either. Maybe you need to engage the enemy first, it seems once your group has engaged they sort of go into danger mode and act a lot more careful.
  3. So im playing badlands, and captured Stary Sabor or whatever its called, but the fight is still raging around the city. Suddenly the game saves and a 15 minute conversation starts to commence on the radio between cooper and other commanders. Meanwhile the entire time this conversation is going on, I cannot select any units or give any orders. Almost every one of my units proceeds to get decimated by a counter attack. I just wanna scream at the commanders on the radio STFU I AM FIGHTING A GODAMN BATTLE RIGHT NOW!!!! But alas, i can do nothing and only watch the slaughter. Why cant we give a damn order while there is some radio chatter going on, its F'ing stupid, just another broken item in a whole list of bugs during the campaign game.
  4. Cascinova

    Manhattan - Escort to LZ

    I think that is part of the problem, the helo is getting shot down on the way there. I think i am going to do this mission last, after I have cleared out the other camps and main base, and then the helo will be able to get there without getting shot down (hopefully).
  5. Cascinova

    Help with waypoints during campaign

    I am glad you asked that question, i had the same problem, i couldnt remember how to set a waypoint. And I think they need to make it possible to make waypoints during the game as well, and not simply when your a commander. It would be really helpful during the campaign and all the missions. For example putting 2 of your squad in a heli and having them patrol, or whatever, waypoints should be able to be set realtime as well as in mission planning.
  6. Im sure many have heard this already, but just wanna give a tip to anyone running Vista. I have a dual core 2.2 ghz, with 1 gig 9800 Geforce, and 4 gigs of ram. I was getting a really choppy screen on default settings. However, i opened my task screen, and set Arma2 as a priority high, and it runs a lot smoother now. Try it if you havent already, it helped me a ton. I am able to run on high settings now with pretty smooth performance, although i still get CTD's ocassionally if theres a large battle going on or some large explosions near me. I think its due to my system running out of ram, since with Vista 32 bit, theres only about 3 gigs of ram total, and only about 1.5 gigs free once you subtract how much vista is using. Id rather run it on normal settings than default high settings, but it wont let me adjust it to normal settings since I installed patch 1.04.
  7. Cascinova

    Still no Manhattan artillery bug fix!!!

    How do you use the arty anyway. Do you direct if from the map screen. (my question mark key died). Also i want to point out that you can beat that mission without arty, i did already in my last game, but have to start a new game since I switched to patch 1.04, so thats why im curious about it. I beat that mission before just by using the APC, you can can just come into the base from the SW, in the grass. and just sneak up till you see the top of the T 72, and start blasting it with the APC gun, (it usually doesnt fire back) takes a while but after you kill the tank, the rest is a turkey shoot. I know its kinda gamey, but at least it gets you through that mission since there seems to be a bug with the arty. ---------- Post added at 12:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ---------- Haha, I agree, although that junker T72 has been a godsend in many a multiplayer player games, ive actually grown quite fond of it.
  8. Thanks for the replies, I will look around, and delete my CFG file as well.
  9. I bought ARMA 2, a couple days ago off D2D. I assumed that since i bought it online, it was going to be updated with the latest patch, but it was actually only version 1.2 , so yesterday I installed the new patch to 1.4. Now i notice a problem in my video settings. Before I was running on normal settings, because any higher than normal and I was getting some Lag. I am using a intel core, dual core 2.2 Ghz, 4 Gigs of ram, windox vista 32 bit, (i know i need to get 64 to use all the ram), and 1gig Nvida 9800. Anyway after installing the patch, it no longer lets me run the game on normal settings. It will only accept the high settings or low settings. If i click on normal nothing happens, it just wont accept it. I have tried making new games, even in multiplayer it wont let me change it. I really cant bear the low settings, i figure theres not enough detail for me to even see clearly, and on high, its ok, but i get some lag sometimes and i really hate lag.