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About gstar

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. @ kju - Thanks for the info. When I watched the demo video for AIA and I noticed that Sahrani was shown - was wondering about that. @ topas - I was looking for a solution for ARMA 3 not 2. There was a mention that they will work on A3 in the future. Thanks
  2. Hi guys, I installed AIA via Play with6 - I see a few other island but I don't see Sahari. Any Ideas? Thanks
  3. Hi guys, I installed AIA via Play with6 - I see a few other island but I don't see Sahari. Any Ideas? Thanks Sorry didn't mean to post this here.
  4. Hey guys- I posted on the ARMA 3 Wish list about maybe adding a hot key that will allow you to toggle a view of the target that you are currently locked on- Most of the flight sims have this external view. Someone suggested that it may be possible now with a script. For Exp - If I hit a defined key on the keyboard after locking on a target it will switch me over to the external view of the locked target. It is kinda cool to see how that target is responding to you close up. And when you are ready to fire - toggle the same key to bring you back to first person view. I use to love this. Is this even possible to script? Thanks all.
  5. gstar

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    As far as the external target view goes- I'll explain further: Mainly for using with aircraft, tanks, choppers. When you lock on a target you can then select an external view of that target full screen - Check out what you are targeting and then switch back to first person view. Not so much an immersion breaker I would think. Just think - When you play in 3rd person view- Not very realistic unless you have some kind of remote viewing power going on:) Anyway, If this can be scripted or moded... Maybe I'll request or ask on Script forum- Thanks
  6. gstar

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    One thing I used to love about some flight sims: The ability to hit a key for exp - f6 to bring up an external camera view of the target that you are curently locked on. It was cool to view how the target was reacting to you and seeing them up close before delivering the smackdown.
  7. Thanks guys! PT that did the trick. Now that I look at it it does seam pretty obvious. Thanks again
  8. This is what I have: The top part is for an air support script and the bottom is for a coin module script. The airsupport will run, but the coin won't. They both work fine independant from one another. I'm guessing I need to edit something so it won't stop right after the air support? ASfirstrun = true; nul = [r2,"jadam","lgb","cbuap","cbuat","cbumine","cas","helo","trans"] execVM "airSup\airSupInit.sqf"; if(true)exitWith{}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: TODO: Author Name ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // START OF COIN SETTINGS myMoney = 1000; myCoin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_name","Base"]; myCoin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_rules",[player]]; myCoin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_areasize",[50,50]]; myCoin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_categories",["Base", "Defence"]]; myCoin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_items", [ //--- Class, Category, Cost or [fundsID,Cost], (display name) ["US_WarfareBBarracks_Base_EP1","Base",200,"Barracks"], ["US_WarfareBFieldhHospital_EP1","Base",400], ["US_WarfareBHeavyFactory_EP1","Base",600], ["WarfareBMGNest_M240_US_EP1","Defence",100] ] ]; myCoin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_funds",["myMoney"]]; myCoin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_fundsDescription",["$"]]; myCoin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_onPurchase",{sleep 2}]; // END OF COIN SETTINGS _done = []; { if (side _x == east) then { if ((vehicle _x != _x) && !(vehicle _x in _done)) then { (vehicle _x) addAction ["Salvage","addSalvage.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","!alive _target"]; _done = _done + [vehicle _x]; }; _x addEventHandler ["killed",{(vehicle (_this select 0)) addAction ["Salvage","addSalvage.sqf"];}]; }; sleep .01; } forEach allUnits;
  9. Is there a way to combine one init.sqs with another? For example: If I copy the contents of one init.sqs to the existing of another mission - it will just run the top code not the added. Probably not wording this well.:confused:
  10. If you haven't found them already- I think you have to place it as an empty vehicle?
  11. So I guess this is not going to happen?:confused:
  12. That did it!!! Thanks guys:)
  13. Not working. I wonder if it is because the target is civillian?
  14. I searched forums and searched all 50 pages of the newbie editing post. I know i've seen it somewhere. How do you assign a specific unit to take out another unit? For example, I want opfor to take out a specific civillian. Is this possible? Thanks
  15. Hey Ecogunner, In your original post you mentioned included scripts. Just curious, what kind of scripts will be included? Thanks