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Everything posted by Arma2player

  1. Arma2player

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    I have to agree with Vilas on this one. Almost. Even though in real life SVD can reach all the way to 1200 meters, you would have to use a special ammo. This ammo was never exported by the Russians, so most people never really used in in world conflicts. Any pro sniper will also tell you that 4X scope is better than 6X because it tends to shake less. All the high magnification scopes are harder to use because they shake the image way more than smaller, closer range scopes. SVD was made as an assault sniper rifle, meaning on the go. To have a high magnification scope on it meant less control of the image (too much shaking) for a sniper in the moving squad. They now changing their policy and introducing SV-98 dedicated sniper rifle with higher magnification for those snipers that hide and move slower. 4X POSP scope exist in two versions: close range, with rangefinder for up to 400 meters and longer range, with 1000 meters rangefinder. So you see, the SVD can be used for up to 1000 meters, but I do agree with Vilas that in the game some guns need to be twiked. SVD is fine IMO. The AK-74U has a terrible acuracy in real life, it is more of a pistol than an assault gun. It's good for close range, not long range. However AK-74, that uses 5.56 round, is acurate enough. I don't know how it compares to G36, never fired the G. AK-74 in the game is a little too acurate, but it's a list of the problems for Arma2 now. So maybe increasing G36 parameters a little will do the trick here. My main issue with this game's fire fight is a f... grass and AI with x-ray vision! I don't even know why I am in this game. AI fights the AI through the grass and I can't see anyone. They kill me so easily and I don't even know where they are shooting from! If this game calls itself an ULTIMATE simulator, it probably refers to how much fun the AI has playing this game, cuase I sure don't enjoy this kind of gaming. This is an example of going too far with effects and forgeting the actual gamer. Please fix that. Another issue I have is locking guided missles on Avenger AA defence vehicles. How in the hell do I do that??? That vehicle is not "lockable". The only way to fight it is to attack with non-guided munition. Everybody knows it's a suicide for rotary wing. I just can't figure this one out. It's very easy to do against the Tunguska, in fact too easy. Tunguskas are "lockable" and are too stupid in this game. They engage with gun fire the long range targets instead of missiles. SO, this ultimate simulator is a funny thing guys. USMC gets almost indestructable air defence unit, when the Russians get a retarded easily targetable AA. Balance? My last complaint is about the controls. I am used to the selecting my squad guys and giving them orders from previous OFP and Arma. I already know which number does what for prone commands, hold fire, watch directions, etc. Now when I select a unit and give him an order, it stays selected afterwords. Wtf is that for? It ruins everything that we learned from the last 10 years of ging commands. Why changing a thing that wasn't broken??? Now I have to watch the soldier icons to make sure I diselected them before giving order to a next guy! How stupid is that! Please remove this "innovation", it's useless and only hurts the gameplay that we all so used to. No need to invent a bicycle when we already have one that works fine.