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Everything posted by viibez

  1. The current selection of ships/boats is very limited atm. the RHHiB (is that her!) has good fire power but offers little protection for the gunners & driver. A Boat with good fire power & protection. :)
  2. viibez

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Game looks & feels nice, but soo much running, and it seems to take forever. Vehicles are a waste of time. The editor looks more exciting than the game itself. but i dont think i will spend the time to learn it.. i just finished campaign, boringly repetitive, kill spotter & AT teams, follow our stupid waypoint path! whats the point of it being open world, it felt as if flanking was illegal or something! And nearly all the missions were "expedite your mission" hurry up! not much stealth involved. Lack of campaign features, no helo missions and no tanks wth! :eek: And to add insult to injury no single missions :butbut:
  3. Sadly this isnt an answer to all those questions!.. And there probably isnt one. Patch will fix some things. Imo the game campaign and missions are somewhat of a joke and continue to have bugs. And unfortunately most ppl who know the game really well dont care about them because in the end its too much to worry about, and all they are concerned with is the editor & making more bugged content :confused: Angrysquirrel i just gave up on most of the original content because of the frustration. There are much better missions available for download and even some campaigns.
  4. Looks cool chill :rolleyes::p hehe some nice fighting land, rocks are always sexii, they save lives looks good, not too much clutter. (im still :confused: about the arma2 BIS grass, too high everywhere, almost!)
  5. excuse me! my attitude is fine. but you see it all the time, people make reference to the answer being on another thread but dont dont bother to leave a link etc. ie waste of post :)
  6. CAN ANYONE ANSWER THIS SIMPLE QUESTION PLEASE? or if u r so concerned about similar threads then just put a link to the answer instead of just talking about it!
  7. Hey guys, i have been trying to setpos the units to stay "UP" standing, or "MIDDLE" for crouch but whenever enemy is present they go prone still, any tips much appreciated. i putting this in the init: this setUnitPos "UP"; this allowfleeing 0 i have not set a waypoint on the unit!
  8. Im not sure but good point. check wiki! http://www.arma2.com/comref/comref.html it shows with the "U" I agree some codes arent working atm. I added this issue @ Dev-heaven. i hope that sounds right! :) http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/5668 ---------- Post added at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ---------- I just tested your code, it seems to work for allied units only. :S I placed 2 units facing each other, USMC & OPFOR (plus player as usmc) with no ammo and put the code in the init field, when i preview only 1 unit moves to "MIDDLE", my ally the USMC, so i switched myself to OPfor and then only the OPfor guy went to middle (crouch). So it only works with allies it seems! :s anyone else noticed this?
  9. Thx celery i see that puts an image in with the notes. :) But i want an image to be displayed in the mission book, so when you select the mission (but have not hit "play" yet) you will see an image on the right side of the book instead of it being blank!.
  10. Lol no sorry it isnt :p My problem is im not sure where to put the code! in my post above with briefing, where abouts does the "image" code go so it shows in the book before the mission starts? I tried putting it after create diray. player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",<img image='somePic.jpg' width='200' height='200'/> It didnt work.
  11. Hello, i have read & learned a lot from this thread thanks to all those that have contributed. Although in the end (cos of my hopeless memory & general confusion) i chose just to use the "briefing manager" by alimag. Which is working fine for me except i cant figure out how to put an image in before the mission starts, i want the image to be in the mission book before you start the mission. And does the image have to be no larger than 200x200? Thx here is my briefing code // A2BM W  ƒ € 110 // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; waitUntil {player==player}; switch (side player) do { case WEST: { player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Intel:","All the info we have has come straight from our <marker name='sp'>Spotter</marker> who has been watching since the seige began yesterday. He wants you to know that theres a <marker name='c'>Warehouse</marker> that is being used as a weapons cache, rearm yourselves if the need arises.<br/><br/>The Terrorists have not made any demands, it seems they want the town for their own Stronghold maybe! But the CDF dont want to make too much of a fuss over it, they dont want it to get to the media as it always gets messy and political and we dont want that.<br/><br/>Thats why your here, we want this one done swiftly and without any civillian casualties. Hurt them Infidels and hurt them hard, i dont want any of em livin in my backyard!<br/><br/>NOW GET OUT THERE!!! <br/>"]]; MAG_tskObj2=player createSimpleTask ["Assasinate the Leader"]; MAG_tskObj2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Once you have secured the area, locate and search the <marker name='hr'>Highrise buildings</marker> and find and take down whoever is responsible for this. <br/><br/>Liberate the City and free any Hostages.","Assasinate the Leader","Assasinate the Leader"]; MAG_tskObj1=player createSimpleTask ["Destroy Static Emplacements"]; MAG_tskObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Once inside the walls your first priority is to neutralise <marker name='st'>Static</marker> emplacements at main building to help CDF forces.<br/><br/>Infiltrate Fortifications","Destroy Static Emplacements","Destroy Static Emplacements"]; MAG_tskObj0=player createSimpleTask ["Eliminate the Terrorists"]; MAG_tskObj0 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Situation: An elite force of organised Terrorists have seized control of <marker name='vor'>Vortuka</marker>. At this stage it is unknown if the towns people are being held hostage or not, we wont know untill we get in there. All we know is the Terrorists have setup a Stronghold and have static fortifications in place. All entrances to the town have been blocked.<br/><br/>The CDF will strike from the <marker name='cdf'>South</marker> creating a diversion on the <marker name='mo'>main offensive</marker> while your Black Ops team will infiltrate from the <marker name='nth'>North</marker> making entry via a hole in the towns wall.<br/><br/>Eliminate the Hostiles.","Eliminate the Terrorists","Eliminate the Terrorists"]; }; case EAST: { }; case RESISTANCE: { }; case CIVILIAN: { }; }; where would i slot the code, and is the below correct? add an image: <img image='somePic.jpg'/> <img image='somePic.jpg' width='200' height='200'/> can i just use the top code if i resize the image to 200x200 first.. does the bottom one change the pic size by itself? Thx for ya time in advance :)
  12. I went there & created an account, although i could not work out how to type my documentation, or enter data! Also about the report; there are several things (init codes that i am aware of) that seem to not work anymore! - perhaps since latest patch 1.04 SetUnitPos "Middle" , "Crouch" , "Kneel" the units stay standing. (i didnt try prone, but i will now that i have thought of it;)) allowfleeing 0 - the unit did run away when it should not. -- i will write down anything else i come across.
  13. The F.A.V's look nice out there in the plains :) -- nn those vids look fantastic! I havent played desert maps since ofp... Then after all this dust we can make maps with nice big rivers ;)
  14. Thx Kju, what is CIT & is there a link to where i should make the report?
  15. Hi, i am trying to set a trigger to a structure that is on the map (the structure is destructable), is there a way to set a trigger to go off once that object is destroyed? Thx HELP! -- I really need to know how to set a trigger on an object, so that once its destroyed i can activate the next mission (obj,waypoint) pls any1.. ive even tried to hide civillians inside and set a trigger, but he dies sometimes! lol. so close to finishing this mission
  16. Hi, couple of small things; not sure if u have fixed in this version already! (but am writing it down before i forget) -Helipad at base on Snow mountain, objects fell through it. Had to use setpos, & Heli was bouncing on pad. -At area named "All", vehicles fell through, when ever i used setpos my units were on a 30 degree angle. (leaning backwards looking upward) -And this didnt cause any probs, but vehicles driven by AI were just off to the right of the road. Anyways as i said before top map. i will DL the patch and mission up ;)
  17. Good stuff gray, i will try the forcespeed command. So "Middle", or "Kneel" does not work anymore cos of patch, bummer! thats why :confused: :butbut: Hopefully there is a fix for this soon, as i have spent days positioning units on balconies and inside buildings for Close Quarters Battle missions only to find out in testing that the "Middle or Kneel" dont work :o Thx peeps Come on Devs pls fix ;)
  18. I am trying to prevent unit from going prone, basically for the same reasons while in battle. i will try your init ideas Grimfist. Pillar of Fire you can also put; this allowfleeing 0 -- stops unit from being scared or running if u needed to! and you can set unit position by; this setpos "UP"; "Middle" or "DOWN" -- Up being standing and down being prone.
  19. Good link, i need this sexii book to ;) Lol @ vista hidden extensions, it gets so many
  20. "Yes i believe it is really simple!" :( (garbage man, if u have been scripting everyday for the last 5 years on this game & dont work as a painter! then im sure its simple as ABC)-- you have no idea of my background or my knowledge level when it comes to computers! i only understand the very basic use of the editor such as; waypoints and some synchronising and copied some init; codes. I guess i just assumed that because this is the official website to the game then you would almost be certain that the makers of the game would know! Instead it seems like your trying to get me to teach you how to do it! crazy :confused: lol that will nvr happen. Cause looking at a shape in the FSM editor was all to confusing! Its pure "Rocket Science" It should be something as simple as :- this donotAllow "prone"
  21. say the mission name is "war" for example! i have 3 files in my saved folder' date=' mission.sqm , war.sqf , init.sqf and the code below is in the init file. does that look correct? [] execVM "briefing.sqf" Now that i look at it, i dont have a briefing.sqf file! lol should it be ['] execVM "war.sqf" ? Ah yes now i see :) cheers
  22. :confused: sry Kju im not that advanced. If there is a way to prevent prone i believe it will make for good CQB missions in arma2 please arma2 gods, there must be a script!! ;)
  23. Hey all, workin on an early morning CO-06 to take out the Rebels I.T Comms tower. (will also make a single player version.) Almost finished, just need to test. Will provide full mission details once complete. Hopefully later today! OK here is the latest version: Co-06 player & also in Single player. NOTE_ OBJECTIVE; Use 2 Satchel Charges to destroy the Tower (one on each side). Download also from SWDepot. checkout their website below... SWDepot Mirror Updated. COOP6 Ice Pk -- http://www.swdepot.co.uk/ (sorry dale the links didnt work :s) __________________ Silent Warriors SW Depot (sorry dale the links didnt work :s) Armaholic mirror: - Ice Pk.namalsk Co-06 (@) v1.1 - Ice Pk.namalsk (@) v1.1 Required addons - Namalsk Images:
  24. viibez

    Ice Pk. Namalsk

    Thanks alot for your info Kaeptn, lol @ truck driver. satchels for the BMP ;). Yeah i had trouble with setting the "end" trigger in the same path in which you have already travelled, i could have set a timeout on it perhaps! But instead i just set a trigger from obj for "300" timeout (5 mins), giving you hopefully enough time to destroy BMP and get picked up.. cheers :)