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Everything posted by uait

  1. Hi all! i just found this code #start @ (! alive player) _weapons = weapons player _magazines = magazines player @ (alive player) removeallweapons player {player addMagazine _x} foreach _magazines {player addWeapon _x} foreach _weapons goto "start" i'm trying to add 3 magazines for the weapon that player has. because if you die with only 1 magazine, you respawn with only 1 magazine. i try different roads but doesnt work... maybe someone know some tricks? thank you
  2. #removeallmagazines player; error in variable not defined in the expression removeallmagazines
  3. mmm no... some errors if i modify my script and the second doesnt work at all... maybe it's impossible... thank you anyway! you were very gentle!
  4. excuse me all... i'm just looking at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dynamic_Object_Compositions but i dont know where i can find "Download the objectGrabber & objectMapper scripts" somone can help me? thank you!
  5. ok... thank for reply... but im not sure what to do... well i try something! we will see!!! :) thank you very much
  6. go arremba goooo!!!!!! proud to be one of your friend :bounce3: :bounce3: :bounce3:
  7. hi all somone know where can i find the radius of enemy AI are create? i want improve the area of AI creation without changing radius of marker or radius of trigger that check town this because car and tanks spawn too near and block each other...
  8. hi all :) somone know if is there a method to start map with town captured? i mean, for example, i want that feruz abad and chak chak are free from enemy faction (green on map)... so they can be take during the game from ai mobile forces.
  9. EDIT i just replace that script and now works fine maybe i do some change and in 1.55 cant work
  10. i send you a pm... i dont know exactly...
  11. ok thk you very much now i modify what i need! thank you! ---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ---------- only one question... why pop up with welcome message dont go away?
  12. hi guyz :) hi look pages but i dont find what im looking for... maybe i miss it i dont know... my question is about _welcome_message of land vehicle. i want put a welcome message in 2 trucks. they are "MTVR_DES_EP1" and i call them xvec11 and xvec12, they are in 40-49 = Transport trucks , so in init.sqf i put them like this: [xvec11,40], [xvec12,41] in x_client\x_vec_hud we can read: so my question is this: i can put a welcome message only for that 2 trucks? i can use some of scripts of domi or i have to create a new one? thank you anyway!
  13. hi all! somone know if is possible to remove a default game action? i'm creating a little script for build static weapon but when a player exit from them i see the default game action "disassembling ... " but i dont want it... this appear in minitripod and mortar for example somone can help me?
  14. ohhh thank you i do a think more simple! :bounce3:
  15. hi all i hope somone can help me i have a script that make players construct and demolish a static defense during battle he can build only 1 static but i want that when the player call that script he cant recall it for 300 seconds i dont know if i explain right... i write an example: the player constructs static defense, if he demolishes the static (he calls another scripts) he cant rebuild it until 300 seconds pass from he builds the static thx anyway
  16. sry i was in hurry i put it before...and after. i write in the beginning _DELAY in private ["_delay","_dir_to_set","_m_name","_marker"]; now i try something different thank you for now! if you see error send me :) ---------- Post added at 08:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 AM ---------- i find it! the error was simple. ---------- Post added at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 AM ---------- :) now i try to create a countdown! like "you have to wait XXX time before remove ecc" :p
  17. :( for me nothing happen exc me, but you try to put your corrections in my script or i a new script without anything? because nothing change from normal script... now i must go to work, maybe in evening i try another time! thank you anyway!
  18. mmm i'll try but i want know if somone know if in mortar.sqf i can set something that say: DONT RUN "REMOVEMORTAR.SQF" UNTIL 300 SECONDS PASS FROM MORTAR.SQF WAS RUNNED :confused: i hope i can do it :(
  19. :confused: sry... that doesnt work i put here the scripts... maybe some errors this is: "mortar.sqf" private ["_dir_to_set","_m_name","_marker"]; #include "x_setup.sqf" if ((player call XfGetHeight) > 5) exitWith { "..." call XfGlobalChat; }; if (count d_mortar_pos > 0) exitWith { "Remouve your first." call XfGlobalChat; }; d_mortar_pos = player modeltoworld [0,2,0]; // controllo posizione if (surfaceIsWater [d_mortar_pos select 0, d_mortar_pos select 1]) exitWith { "You cant have a mortar here." call XfGlobalChat; d_mortar_pos = []; }; _helper1 = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [d_mortar_pos select 0, (d_mortar_pos select 1) + 4, 0]; _helper2 = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [d_mortar_pos select 0, (d_mortar_pos select 1) - 4, 0]; _helper3 = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [(d_mortar_pos select 0) + 4, d_mortar_pos select 1, 0]; _helper4 = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [(d_mortar_pos select 0) - 4, d_mortar_pos select 1, 0]; if ((abs (((getPosASL _helper1) select 2) - ((getPosASL _helper2) select 2)) > 2) || (abs (((getPosASL _helper3) select 2) - ((getPosASL _helper4) select 2)) > 2)) exitWith { "Find another place." call XfGlobalChat; d_mortar_pos = []; for "_mt" from 1 to 4 do {call compile format ["deleteVehicle _helper%1;", _mt];}; }; for "_mt" from 1 to 4 do {call compile format ["deleteVehicle _helper%1;", _mt];}; player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; sleep 3; waitUntil {animationState player != "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"}; if (!(alive player)) exitWith { d_mortar_pos = []; "You Are dead before mortar been created." call XfGlobalChat; }; _dir_to_set = getdir player; mortar = d_mortar createvehicle d_mortar_pos; mortar setdir _dir_to_set; mortar setPos [position mortar select 0, position mortar select 1, 0]; "Mortar ready." call XfGlobalChat; _m_name = format ["Mortaio %1", player]; [_m_name, position mortar,"ICON","ColorBlue",[0.5,0.5],format [" Mortar %1", name player],0,"mil_dot"] call XfCreateMarkerGlobal; _d_placed_obj_add = [format ["%1", player], position mortar,1]; ["d_placed_obj_add",_d_placed_obj_add] call XSendNetStartScriptServer; mortar addAction ["Remove Mortar", "x_scripts\x_removemortar.sqf"]; mortar addEventHandler ["killed",{[_this select 0] spawn XMortarKilled;}]; player moveInGunner mortar; if (alive mortar) then { _isVeh = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf(mortar) >> "ARTY_IsArtyVehicle"); if (_isVeh == 1) then { mortar setVehicleInit "[this] call BIS_ARTY_F_initVehicle"; processInitCommands; }; }; if (true) exitWith {}; this is: "removemortar.sqf" private ["_m_name"]; if (vehicle player == mortar) exitWith { "You must dismount." call XfGlobalChat; }; player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; sleep 3; WaitUntil {animationState player != "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"}; if (!(alive player)) exitWith { "you are dead before mortar been delete." call XfGlobalChat; }; deleteVehicle mortar; "Mortar delete." call XfGlobalChat; d_mortar_pos = []; _m_name = format ["Mortar %1", player]; deleteMarker _m_name; if (true) exitWith {};
  20. i alwys read thousand things and i do little errors :bounce3: then i rewrite all and see errors i do :D :D :D
  21. hi all i have big problem... i make a mission where one player can create a mortar wherever he wants, can create and delete it. but i cant make minimap works i found this message in ...\modules\ARTY\data\scripts\init.sqf (Author: Evan "Headspace" Hanau): // Initialize all ARTY vehicles. Vehicles spawned after this will need to be manually inited through sync. sry for my bad english... so i need this: i know that it's possibile because i see it in benny's warfare. i look at that and found this: how i can do this?
  22. i found this: but i dont know where to put the second part ---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 PM ---------- :yay: i do it!!! if (alive mortar) then { _isVeh = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf(mortar) >> "ARTY_IsArtyVehicle"); if (_isVeh == 1) then { mortar setVehicleInit "[this] call BIS_ARTY_F_initVehicle"; processInitCommands; }; };