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About -sbs-Karlos

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. -sbs-Karlos

    Dynamic Player Markers

    is there anyway you can set this so that it only updates every so often, say 3 mins? I'm looking to build a hunter/hunted map and would like to show opposite side markers but only periodically.
  2. -sbs-Karlos

    [Early Preview] 3D Editor

    Sorry - I dont seem to have the HEJ_3d folder. i also get a 4.0.30319.17929
  3. -sbs-Karlos

    [Early Preview] 3D Editor

    no other addons and clean arma install. Can i just say that I appreciate the effort you are going to. Why this isn't just part of the game is a mystery to me.
  4. -sbs-Karlos

    [Early Preview] 3D Editor

    my game hung upon loading the scenarios. tried a few times and it freezes then crashes
  5. -sbs-Karlos

    PvP: CTF & CQB Missions

    you forgot your spawn control script as well. Given that the top team have direct sight into the enemy spawn they can pick people off before they get to cover.
  6. -sbs-Karlos

    PvP: CTF & CQB Missions

    I don't understand why we should think of CTF as an old/dated game mode. The CTF mode (or the game itself for that matter) has barely changed since OFP and there's no reason why it can't be as successful now as it was back then. Spawn camping and getting the flag away have always been there so these are not new issues and we've successful played with these issues even in a competitive nature. We've been involved with CTF leagues right up to Arma 2 and it was clear that well organised teams coupled with skillful players would be more successful so no....stalemates are not the norm. One thing I will say though is that CTF doesn't always work as well as a public game. I suspect Galzohar has joined a public CTF game where there's likely to be no comms and most people playing headless chicken. However, put 2 clans/teams together in a competitive match and I personally think you have one of the best game modes out there. I also like the fact you can join a game for 30 minutes and have an outcome whereas you join some games where you can travel around an island for hours with next to no action at all.
  7. -sbs-Karlos

    PvP: CTF & CQB Missions

    Theres a few of us from SBS who have the game and would love to play CTF. But a lot of the SBS members are reluctant to buy it due to the decline in CTF maps being played. In OFP there were plenty and the leagues such as TNT were great. We did try and kick start a CTF arma 2 league but it was hard work getting the interest from other clans. SBS will definitely love to be involved some capacity and I wish you every luck in getting people interested.
  8. Can I just remind everyone that mac belongs to SBS. He's signed a contract for life and no one is allowed to have him. :D good stuff mac!
  9. -sbs-Karlos

    TDM; any takers?

    lol...what a bizarre statement. I've never, ever played a CTF since playing arma 2 where nobody bothered with the flags. However, there is a world of difference between CTF with random public players and playing competitive clan matches. The Team DMs I have played have been very good, tense and not at all about sitting back and waiting for a 0-0 draw. Not to plug another mode but the Siege mode we have been playing is also a cracking mode played in a smaller area. People seem to believe Arma 2 should be played over umpteen kilometers and anything smaller is a waste. I think these smaller game modes are completely underated due to the fact that they dont often lend themselves to a public game. But in match environment they are thrilling.
  10. -sbs-Karlos

    Whats up with the PvP??

    You would love Siege mode. Check out www.armaleague.com where we are getting the PvP community together and we are starting a ladder for Siege. Siege mode is team v team where one team defends a location whilst one attacks. When you die....you are out of the game. Winner is when all of one team dies or attacking team get into the defending zone. Download our map pack and try them out.