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About MasterRevan2009

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  1. MasterRevan2009

    Porting ArmA1 addons to ArmA2

    did anyone remembered the macross dyrl valkyrie planes from arma1. those may be good for porting them into arma2
  2. MasterRevan2009

    F-117A NightHawk - Alpha Released

    very nice nighthawk addon there. it completely outmatched the ms flight simulator versions even ace combat 6 and hawx :-)
  3. MasterRevan2009

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    hi everyone. im new here... hows it going? i got an idea that would stir all the war from real world into the spirit world O_O did anyone here who used the mod tools for Arma2 possibly made an NPC transparent like a ghost? possibly, if this was possible, perhaps i can conjure up something using the mission editor like say a ghost huntin mission... add some sfx inside buildings like moans and footsteps or that sort of thing.... :-) Anyhow, UFOs and aliens from Arma1 would be a nice port to arma2. For the game itself on its serious sides, perhaps an AI driving fix to make them drive better. Wishlist: -Ghost/Paranormal addons -UFO/Aliens addons or even zombies (yet again!) -AI driving fix as soon as I start getting this game, after all that NFS shift, i may start modding again with arma 2 tools.