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About horrgakx1

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  1. horrgakx1

    High Command instructions?

    Thanks for the reply. I have gone through the high command training - did that just the other night. It is maybe a little late actually as this is my second time playing the campaign (which is a little more bug-free than the first time I did it) :) However the training doesn't tell you how to attach other men to the groups you control (#2 above), or how the scroll-wheel-menu works (#3 above)... At the moment I'm STILL playing 90% on my own, I find that if I send the groups 2, 3, 4 etc. anywhere near a town they get decimated. I find using the command system a pain to be honest, more trouble than its worth.
  2. I've read around some topics with a similar title to this but I'm still left in need of a FAQ. 1) How do I get people to drop weapons/NVG/etc so I can pick them up 2) How can I add soldiers (or even armoured units!) to the groups under my command? Sometimes half of one squad has been killed as they happily walk in front of enemy tanks etc. (they deserve to die ;) ). 3) What are the menu options for - such as "send money", "request help", etc in the menu? This is the second time I've played this campaign not knowing what this stuff does. I'm really not using this system whatsoever and just using my team (with me 90% of the time) as normal to gradually wear away at the enemy defences. I'd love to know how to use it properly.
  3. The way it happened with me was when I cleared a town (I can't remember its name but it is the one where you have to talk to the locals - there's about 4 of them sitting on a bench in the middle of the town). When the town was clear someone came over the radio and was asking who was firing on them (or something) and the two sides had a conversation and ended up allies. This is the second time I played the campaign, the first time I played this was using the pre-patch version and it didn't happen so I think they corrected a bug or something.
  4. The game simulates morale??
  5. I'm with you - don't suppose there's any chance of writing n00b instructions on how to incorporate this into the game? I remember with one of the game modes for ArmA1 you had a menu to enable/disable the bulletcam which would be useful here. Add to that how to make it work with tank shells etc? I'd like to see the trajectory of something fired from a big gun :)