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About DanielBourne

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  1. thank you guys, great replies :) will try it out.
  2. Hi guys, kinda new to the editor but have read a few guides and some things have worked, but the stuff below i still have trouble with. any help will be amazing :) 1)Random Location of Enemy Basically when I place an enemy in the editor in a town for example, I always put 25-50 Placement Radius. However the enemy always spawns in the exact same place. Is there any way of making him spawn somewhere random in the radius? 2)Random Path of Enemy Ideally, after the enemy unit has spawned in a random area in that radius, I would like for him to randomly move around that radius (not always the same path) so everytime i encounter him, its probable it will be in a new position. How do i do this? I have learnt how to set his behaviour to Combat, Stealth etc but what confuses me is the waypoint modes. If i want the enemy to move around the radius looking for me, would i set the waypoint mode to "seek and destroy?" . I appreciate all the input you guys got for this cos this would start me off on making some missions. Thanks for your time! Daniel.
  3. thank you so much guys :) great community.
  4. Hiya guys, been playing this game for round a month now, and it is truly a great game. The scale of the map, the envrionment, just has me immersed in this game. I was just wondering whether these scenarios exist? a) (ONLINE) a sort of deathmatch experience with alot of people? I think this would be fantastic cos the map is huge, and the stealth required would just make you value your life even more. Maybe like a 50 player deathmatch, team deathmatch etc. b) Is it possible to set up a scenario in the editor where you can place 4-5 enemies in and around a certain area of a map (maybe a small town), where they possibily guard the town or walk around, and then place yourself only near the town to infiltrate it and take them out? Thx guys for your time! any responses much appreciated! Daniel
  5. DanielBourne

    Just Got the game :) few questions

    thank you guys for the quick reply. :) hope to be a part of this community for a long time.
  6. Hi guys, Got the game yesterday and its such a change from the previous FPS but in an amazing way. I really feel immersed in the environment and love the stealth parts :D Just a few questions though on some stuff, I am playing the game on Regular but however have edited it so more of the options are similar to expert (enemy tag off, super ai on, etc)... a) when im playing a level, sometimes on the HUD i see a red circle sayin thats my target...is this because one of my team has spotted the enemy or is the computer just telling me? (i hope its the former) b) is there anyway of running this game in 64 bit mode? or does it naturally run in that mode if your on a 64 bit O/S. Cheers for any answers guys. Daniel
  7. i got the same GFX card mate, and playing everything on very high settings. The game runs nicely, wouldnt say particurly smooth, however it looks gorgeous and is very playable. I have experience an odd moment when a tree went white, i got shot and the game crashed (display driver stopped working but has recovered succesfully). Tried the same scenario again and nothing happened so i dont think its majorly the GPU fault. Think its more of the buggy game play mate and just something that needs to be restarted. I'm only suggesting the gameplay because I played crysis before this (which is the most demanding PC game) with settings on very high and even AA on 16QAA, and nothing happened, totally smooth gameplay.