OK, so here's what I've found flying about in patch 1.04:
It seems as if the analog throttle responds correctly now; in other words, at maximum throttle the Harrier drops very slowly, same as when using keyboard-mapped throttle.
Even a very slight decrease in throttle causes the Harrier to sink like a ton of bricks. Once you increase your sink rate there is virtually no arresting it; it's going to be a hard landing.
Also, it seems the new autorudder code completely changes hover maneuvering. The rudders are roll-linked in a hover, which means to rotate your Harrier left and right you have to bank, and you can't independently track left and right (with ailerons) nor independently rotate left and right (with rudder). You're limited to doing a combination of the two when working the stick, and the pedals are largely ineffective in hover.
BIS, please disable the new autorudder code when auto-hover is on.
BIS, please allow the option to permanently disable auto-rudder, with full manual independent rudder and aileron control.
... could you also throw in full manual thrust vector control? I think it would maximize the awesomeness of my Harrier. Especially since the thrust vectors take on a mind of their own once the wheels touch the ground. Also, Harriers are capable of taking off vertically under light loads; it would be great if you could simulate the loaded weight and its effect on thrust so that we could maybe even gain altitude in a hover when coming back from a mission with less than a full loadout.
Oh, and HPI's on the LHD.
OK, I'll stop.