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Everything posted by CAtvom

  1. CAtvom


    Playing on the Napa side I took the first village by stealth. Left all troops, including the rest of Razor, behind at the start point. Circled around the town to the south, and stealthed all the way into the centre command point. 95% of the enemy troops in the town committed suicide (well the infantry vanished, and the Uaz's instantly blew up) leaving about 4 guys to be mopped up. Did the same with the second village, but the majority of the enemy troops stayed alive, so I brought in the Napa troops to finish them off. Was pleasantly suprised when 2 Napa tanks showed up to help, very pleased when I successfully got in one and took control of it, and then very sad when it vanished 15 seconds later. :) Still have the rest of the mission to do.
  2. Hey. This quite simply means the following. as soon as Maddox says go, pitch forward and hold Z (if using default keys - the reduce altitude key). Just before you hit the ground pull the nose up so you land. It's pretty easy when using a mouse, haven't tried it using a joystick if thats what you're using.