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Everything posted by krondl

  1. Ahah! Got it! I've been running VopSound 2.3 and hadn't removed the two 'ACE' specific .pbo's (and bikeys) from the addons folder. That fixed 'er. Wheehoo! P.S. Lots of Veterans here. Thank you on this Veterans Day, and on all days. Proud to have stood in your mighty company.
  2. Im getting the You cannot.....acex_wep_hk. I'm getting this when playing the Harvest Red solo campaign with Ace2/Acex not active. Do I need to uninstall Ace2 etc?
  3. krondl

    Interface discussion

    I'd like to see mouse y axis reverse selectable for individual control schemes, i.e.: Aircraft / reversed , On foot / normal. Oddly, I can't get used to pulling back on mouse for view up, nor pushing forward to pitch an aircraft up. With only one master setting, either flying or looking up/down is counterintuitive (to me at least).