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Everything posted by kebardi

  1. kebardi

    Supporter Edition Credits?

    Great! I just recieved email!.. But can't login? User/pass works to store.bistudio.com but not in arma3.com? It just says: " Your account username and password did not match, or you were not amongst the first to buy the Arma 3 Supporter Edition. " :p --- Works fine now! Thanks!
  2. Hi, I have a problem with ACE Wounds and End trigger. Tryed to search but didnt find answer... so, End Trigger does not activate when there are players connected in spectator mode. eg. Player who has died and is connected as spectator. End trigged condition is this: ms1 and ({lifeState _x == 'ALIVE'} count playableUnits == {_x in thisList} count playableUnits) && ({lifeState _x == 'ALIVE'} count playableUnits > 0); So when ms1 is true and all ALIVE players are in end trigger area (base etc) mission should end. This works fine when all dead players are disconnected from server but if there's someone spectating it doesn't work! It seems that spectating player is ALIVE ? (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lifeState) So i need help to end mission without kicking all dead spectating players from server :) Thanks for any help! -- I created array from playable units, myPlayersArray = [s1,s2,s3] and changed "playableUnits" to Arrayname, works fine now!
  3. kebardi

    Arma 3 animation list?

    Thanks! Works great!
  4. kebardi

    ACE for OA 1.13

    YES! There is module for that! Thank you! Dont know why havent seen it earlier...
  5. kebardi

    ACE for OA 1.13

    No, about 200 meters and 1 gun per post.
  6. kebardi

    ACE for OA 1.13

    No, problem is not AI aiming, its fragments. AI gunner shoots D-30 (straight UP) 30 times (I use script for Artillery to shoot "unlimited times up in the air for Immersion), Gunner of that GUN is killed for wounds after some time. It's nice that when HE shell hits ground there are fragments but there's also fragments when firing the gun (or some other BIG gun:). Do I need to give AI gunner unlimited health or something? Is that only option for this?
  7. kebardi

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Does someone know how I can disable ACE Fragmentation Effects for mission? Problem is that AI artillery is doing suicide after some time (Fragments kill Gunner or disable vehicle etc.). I have tested this with BM-21 and D-30. Suggestions or workarounds? Thanks!
  8. kebardi

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Why Laser Designators does not work in Domination? Example if we get AH1 bonus air vehicle, one player as pilot and other as gunner, Cant log hellfire missiles to anywhere, they just fly where heli is directing. We use ACE2. Funny thing is that this happens only for Bonus vehicles, if i add AH1 in base whit editor, save mission, run it in dedi server -> Dada, laser WORKS! But bonus vehicles, not and this is bad ;) Any help would be nice!
  9. kebardi

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Hello! Im new here but i need some help whit Ammoload for MHQ. Im trying to create multiple ammoload points for MHQ (Ammobox in MHQ) to my modified Domi missions but how i can do this? I Think that AmmoLoad.fsm do the trick but here i need help. In map there is "AMMOLOAD" object but what to do when i got to of those exc "AMMOLOAD_2"? Any help would be great! Thanks!