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Everything posted by aulias

  1. aulias

    co14 Hunt Waldo (Utes)

    Hi Bon, Finally had a chance to play this again last night with some friends. We were brave and tried it on "many many" enemies. The enemy vehicle death count was up to 26 by the time we had to go to bed, was pretty intense and great fun!! Didn't get to test arty unfortunately as all our guns got overun and killed. Definitely could see more movement in the enemy patrols etc, which made it more challenging. We also had the issue were one guy was in broad daylight when the rest of us were in darkness, until he died and respawned. Besides that all worked well and is a fun mission. Cheers, aUlias & the EzCo crew.
  2. The grass does look great and was something about the game that really made me go wow, cool, when I first played it....!!! It reminded me of being a kid crawling around the paddocks playing war etc, really immersive and fun. But something always felt wrong in game, and after reading this thread I understand why. The AI just kills you too easy when you are "hidden" in thick grass, becasue, you aren't!! So another vote for this issue getting fixed, its the most annoying characteristic of the game for me right now!!
  3. aulias

    co14 Hunt Waldo (Utes)

    Sweet, will check it out. :D Cheers, aulias
  4. Hi Bon, No worries, thanks for response and making those changes. With the arty, I'm not sure it ever did fire, or whether because I kept requesting it it kept resetting the timer between requesting it and it firing. But it may have been that it fired into the target area when we had already cleared it and moved further along the island. I understand its pretty powerful, and it needs to be limited. I'll go and download the new version in your other post and give it a go. Cheers, aulias
  5. Got the parts in, ended up with: i5-750 4gb of ddr3 (gskill 2 x 2 gb set) gigabyte ud3 mobo plus already had Nvidia GTX295. running at 1920x1200 So, loaded up game, doing a coop mission (insurgent airfield) with me as host. In areas in forrest of chenarus were I was previously getting 26-28 fps with previous cpu (E6600, 2gb ram), I'm now getting 55-60fps!! This was with terrain detail low, object and shadows on normal. From my experimenting with settings so far, I can either have AA off, then have most texture and detail settings on very high (exeption is terrain detail, going from normal to high costs about 8 fps, all for a few tufts of grass, so turned it back to normal), and still stay around 55-60fps. Or if I turn AA to normal with textures as above, instant 8-10fps hit, back to 40's. But if drop object & shadow details back to high from very high I get similar fps to very high with no AA. This was looking across a town with quite a few vehicles, buildings, trees in foreground and background etc, and also in the forrest, so probably fairly graphically stressful. Thinking it probably looks better with no AA and higher texture etc settings though, its all fairly subtle though anyway. Overall, very happy, really wasn't expecting such a jump! Oh, I'm using the Nvidia beta drives that are supposed to help Arma II out. No issues with them so far. And all above at 5000km draw distance, not sure I see much point to making it longer, not sure what affect it would have on frames either, so many options to test, so little time!
  6. aulias

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    This article is a must read if your are interested in SSDs. http://www.anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.aspx?i=3631
  7. Hi All, I'm about to upgrade my CPU, RAM and motherboard, and I'm trying to decide between the i5-750 and i7-860. Both would be with 4Gb of ram. They are quite similar cpu's, but: -the i7 has hyperthreading whereas the i5 doesn't; -the i7 is 2.80Ghz versus 2.66GHz for the i5 (but I'm sure a mild overclock would make up this up on the i5). In benchmarks on Tom's hardware and Anandtech the main performance difference occurs when an application uses hyperthreading. Otherwise there's not much between them due to the similar clock speeds. Unfortunately no Arma II benchies on either of them though. So, does Arma II make much use of hyperthreading? Has anyone got any benchies with either of these cpus? I'm leaning towards the i5 at the moment as its about 25% cheaper, but I could probably stretch to the i7-860 if it produced good gains with Arma II!! Thanks, aulias
  8. Hi Bon, We've played your mission a couple of times now with a group of 7 of us who do coop missions together. Its a fun mission and well designed, we've have a lot of good battles on it, enjoy the multiple tasks and so on, so well done! As relative noobs we like that you have respawn enabled, ha hah! A few comments / questions (all with v1.04 patch): -As the mission progresses, sometimes the task list on the map gets duplicated so you end up with the same task entries repeated many times. Everything still works okay and it doesn't affect finishing the whole mission etc, but it gets messy on the map screen. Could be a game bug, not sure, its not a big issue really but might be an easy fix? -With the artillery, I had thought it simply doesn't work as I called it in again and again for nothing. But reading this thread, it seems that it takes 25 minutes to fire after you request it? Is that right? Maybe you could reduce the fire time a bit? It could have a one or two hour recharge though, so you can't just spam it all the time. Or at least mention this firing delay in the mission briefing? -It would be great if you could save your kit loadout, as most of us alter it from the default loadout. -One observation - we've noticed that the enemy infantry are just standing there doing nothing at the first LZ and also at the airport until some firing starts, then they all spread out and counter attack. Whereas the armoured cars do tend to move around on the island on patrol routes. So maybe you could make some of the infantry groups move in patrol sweeps around the perimieter of the LZ/coastline and also airport perimeter? It would make it a bit more challenging and less predictable for more replayability. Note - perhaps they are already on patrols and it was just a timing thing, but at least last night they were just standing there out in the open at the lz, and also at the airport, so we just got on the hill above them and killed them all pretty easily both times. But then in other parts they were much more unpredictable and had some great fights. Anyway, keep up the good work and thanks! Cheers, aUlias