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About dirtiej

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  1. dirtiej

    RH Aks pack 1.5

    Hello everyone, I have no idea if anyone checks this thread anymore, but I wanted to ask if anyone else hears a loud "hissing" sound after each shot with the RH AK-47 and AK-M? I'm also getting a loud "squeak" from the RH RK-95. Does anyone else get this or is it just my machine?
  2. Hey Cole, Any word on HiFi NA Ace? Is it going to happen it is it dead?
  3. dirtiej

    T-90 PACK

    Hello Marijus, I'm a big fan of you T-90, its my fav vehicle mod. I do have one problem though, now that I use ACE Mod with arma this T-90 is no longer as deadly. ACE seems to have increased the armor protection on the Tanks and now your T90 cannot take out a even a t-72 very easily. I'm wondering if you ever made a version of your tank mod with ACE compatable damage and armor values?
  4. Ack, well thanks for Trying Cole, I guess VOPs just doest play well with others. Hopfully we will get some form of HI FI ACE in the near furture.............
  5. Thanks so much Cole, getting these two mods to play nice would be truly awsome. I have never, ever seen a game community as helpfull and friendly as ARMA's and I hppe that someday we can all scratch our heard over ARMA VIII Mods!
  6. As I suspected, well I don't play multiplayer at all so that would not be an issue, do you know where I can find info on editing a config file? Thanks for your responces Cole, the best thing about Arma is all the great community members!
  7. Thanks Cole, I would love to get my hands on even a incomplete version, HiFi is the mother of all soundmods! In the meantime do you have any idea how to get NA's modules to work with VOP 1.9 Ace sound addon? As described in my previous post Vop always takes over ALL the sounds, where I would rather use NA for the Bis weapons and only Vop to fix the Ace only sounds. Not sure if it can be done............
  8. Hello Mark, and everyone else, first off let me say that your soundmod is Amazing! I do use it with ACE Mod and was wondering about the ETA for the HiFi Ace addition? Is this still going to happen? In the meantime I tried using VOPsound and it really improved the sounds of the ACE only weapons, but I am unable to get the NA modules to work with VOP, which seems to override any other soundmod. I use the Mod Folder method just as its decribed in the NA manuel but all sounds come out as the VOP Ace versions, except the scoped AK-74 which oddly keeps the NA AK sound. I tried tweeking the Load order on the shortcut file, putting Vop 1st, then 2nd, then dropping both mods POBs in the Addons in different combination. Any advise on how to get NA sounds to work with the new VOP Ace sounds? Of course, if HiFi Ace is secretly available somewhere then I guess that will fix everything! Btw, the PKM and T-72 maingun sounds in NA are the best SFX Ive ever heard on any game at any point in my life ...... Ever
  9. Hello everbody, Love this Mod, opens up so many doors in mission making. I can't get this to work in ACE Mod though and I was wondering if there was a solution. Evil_Echo at the ACE forum wasnt sure why this doesnt work in ACE so I thought I would check here...