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Everything posted by Danreiv

  1. addMove switchMove (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2) a few moves : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA2:_Moves others can be viewed (and then the anim' code copied/pasted) with http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6056 There's a lot of talking animations...just pick one that fits you. (most of them have "talking" along somewhere in the big code line) one example this switchMove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_talking"; I think mouth is a locked part though, don't remember seeing an anim with open mouth, even among talking animations.
  2. I tried this but it didn't worked either... this setvariable [ "ALICE_civilianinit", [{ _this addeventhandler ["killed",{if(isplayer _this select 1) then {McH_Civ_Killed = McH_Civ_Killed + 1; publicvariable "McH_Civ_Killed"; }}] }] ] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd Edit : tried with addPublicVariableEventHandler too but still nothing on dedicated.
  3. That's cool and it works fine in sp. Any ideas how to make it work for mp missions on dedi server ? I tried but you don't get any message in game, nor does it update the objective (I added an roe respect obj)
  4. Danreiv

    New patch 1.04

    Doesn't matter since the servers can't be updated. In fact, unless you play only sp, you should not let steam update the game itself and wait that most server do the update.
  5. Yup, have to be carefull with ranks in the team with triggers, make sure s1 outrank s2 who outrank s3 and so on. I think (might be wrong) that formationLeader takes "spacebar actions" (go there, mount that, disembark etc) from group leader and give them to another dude while group leader keeps all other commanding options, drop, radio, and probably arty too.
  6. It's rather simple but by adding the following triggers you can make this (very nice) script usable only by "Actual". You'll need to name all the the units in the squad. Here I'll use soldier1 (team leader at start), soldier2 and so on. Put arty_radio = [this] execvm "artillery_ssp\arty_radio.sqf"; only in soldier1 init line and obviously he doesn't need a trigger. For soldier2 it would look like this : http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6709/trigger07.jpg And there you go, when soldier1 dies, soldier2 can now use the arty options. For soldier3, add another trigger with condition soldiers 1 and 2 are dead and replace soldier2 with 3 in On act. Etc. Far from perfect but it works.